Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adj] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It used to get me so angry and I really wanted to protect my mother and help her , but I was only six at the time and there was nothing I could do .
2 They have skills and qualities which make them highly valuable and which most organizations regard as being in short supply .
3 So why am I so lucky and I got you as well ?
4 It was that someone like G.P. could be so close to someone like her — someone so real and someone so shallow , so phoney , so loose .
5 ‘ One employer was going on about wanting someone under 35 and I said , ‘ Could I do the job ? ’
6 ‘ Darling Julia , ’ said Comfort , sounding at her most American and her most caressing .
7 Gabby was at her most amusing and we laughed a lot .
8 ‘ I mean , it 's here and its so sweet and we do n't understand it . ’
9 At this temperature the molten rock is at its least viscous and it flows downhill as a fiery river , splashing and bounding over minor irregularities like a mountain stream , and cascading over larger obstacles in glowing fire-falls .
10 She 's made me more responsible and I 've done better in my exams and I 've worked at my English .
11 If people are well trained , you 've got lots of people in turn you know when you 've got absenteeism or holidays , you 've got lots of people who could be slotted to different positions for you and obviously the better trained people are , it does help with the talent , it makes you more flexible and you 've got more people who can possibly go for certain jobs .
12 I love you too much and I 'm not going to let you walk over me just because your wife found out about our affair .
13 She very helpful and we get on well .
14 The affluence made them exceptionally important and they were not slow to demand the ‘ communal ’ rights held by other important medieval centres , many of whom gained privileges similar to those of London .
15 I had a bit of a problem with Mr Hamilton when he first arrived — I did something rather stupid and he was furious , but the patient was OK and he was great after that .
16 Coun Katherine Carr said : ‘ We are the custodians of something so valuable and we forget it at our peril . ’
17 I too am tired , with two lodgers of different nationalities — one highly carnivorous and one very vegetarian !
18 There is a growing band of buyers who want something more distinctive and who are prepared to pay extra for it .
19 I got the Ampeg for free ; it used to belong to a lad who played with The Pale Fountains , but he had a brain haemorrhage or something really sad and his girlfriend was nice enough to pass his amp along to me .
20 and we had er , I mean we had a bright orange swivel chair and when that came out it was called the Orbit or something , something really weird and it had a big back on it and we thought it was great I mean , I think it 's awful now , some of the things we had , I 'll have to try and find some photographs cos I 've got a case full of photographs upstairs
21 ‘ It could be something quite slight and they 'd still let us know officially .
22 Bernini is evidently attempting to render something quite transcendental and something which had never been attempted by a sculptor before that date .
23 This would be something quite different and our luck would very soon run out .
24 Progna I s to be quite h I 've forgotten , it used to me it means something quite interesting and I 've forgotten .
25 Frankly she goes , she goes yeah he 's alright she said but he 's too two faced and I said that does n't sound like him , I said I thought he was quite nice and she goes yeah well he is she says he says one thing to you and then you find out that he 's said something completely different and you hear another side of it .
26 ‘ He decided that people wanted something completely different and he spent 6,000 , a fortune in those days , fitting the place out . ’
27 No what , what you normally do with those is er , say one half black and one half yellow and you have a yellow sleeve that side
28 No what , what you normally do with those is er , say one half black and one half yellow and you have a yellow sleeve that side
29 Sadly , mass closures and redundancies have become commonplace , it 's no longer hitting the headlines , just a few small columns in the paper , so I ask you delegates , go back to your branches , raise the issue not just about coal but about all unemployment , chase up the media , write to your M P , especially the Tories , support the rallies and maybe a petition from this conference could be organized , but I say raise hell , give them no peace , one job loss is one too many and we ai n't gon na accept redundancy in any of our sections without a bloody good fight .
30 Problem is , take one too many and you 'll start to see hair growing out of the walls .
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