Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adj] it be " in BNC.

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1 They say its so bad it 's making them ill .
2 At its least ambitious it is a description of a sequence of events in mortality and fertility decline in modernizing societies .
3 The force working most clearly for uniformity was the growth in the child population , and since that was itself not uniform it was uneven in its effects .
4 I like , I like that , I like the idea of it telling you how far it is
5 Well it tells you how far it is , look
6 Oh , Edouard , I ca n't tell you how sad it was .
7 It 'll tell you how much it 's worth , your activity .
8 We did get a bit of u of er union pay then I I could n't tell you how much it was but it was n't very much , but er
9 On pages 206 — 211 we give some sample ready-planned daily menus made up from these meals , to show you how easy it is to keep to your preferred eating pattern and daily dieting calorie allowance .
10 And , it just shows you how easy it is to leave signs for the thief to tell him that we 're out .
11 Show you how horrible it is .
12 I think instead of encouraging you to try out new ideas they seem to get some kind of kick out of telling you how bad it is
13 so show you how old it is I mean now it
14 ‘ I ca n't tell you how wonderful it was . ’
15 Are you quite sure it 's two ?
16 And the fire actually started beyond the North Wall , just by the North Gate , but the wind was blowing from the North , and it blew it down , and although it did n't burn the rather better stone houses , facing onto St Aldate 's , erm behind I think a lot of the poorer houses did suffer , and St Ebbe 's parish , next door , suffered a great deal , and because it was war , I think they just , the city council , city records lament that there how hard it is for people , and there 's no money to help them .
17 As she stared into her mother 's horrified face it came to her how strange it was that she had never liked her mother , because her mother had never liked her .
18 I reminded her how fragile it was .
19 So he told her how marvellous it was , and how misunderstood this wretched Frenchman was , and she bought it .
20 ‘ Ask her how old it was , ’ Woodruffe told Blunt .
21 But so many people all her life had told her how wrong it was to hurt others , so Jezrael penned inside her the rage that crushed its poison outwards through the walls of her veins , not knowing the harm she would do herself , knowing only that if she killed Zulei she would be as bad as Zulei was .
22 Erm that was er Steve from the Youth Centre because we 've just er told him how much it 's going to cost him to use the school premises next year , and he 's thrown a dickey fit .
23 Yeah well can you ask him how much it was ?
24 I did tell him how much it was I said sixteen pound sixteen pound for Angela .
25 With Seve you 're sticking your neck out telling him how far it is to the green .
26 He stopped above a man who was painting the superstructure of his boat and asked him how far it was to the sea .
27 There has been no opportunity to find books or pictures on that sort of thing , and in fact we do n't have any books on China apart from the Nagel 's guide which we brought with us , and please tell when you see him how useful it is .
28 Why had no one told him how marvellous it was ?
29 I can tell him how important it is for us to have a home of our own .
30 Another mentor Laing remembers with affection was George Miller , who was the sales manager at the London factory , who taught him how important it was to have ‘ a main thrust ’ in a business .
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