Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb base] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do n't tell me I 've found out your secret vice — dressing up in men 's clothing .
2 Excuse me I 've got not exactly hay-fever but I think I 'm going to be sneezing for a few minutes .
3 And for me I want to start here , thank you .
4 But nothing I 've heard today Chairman suggests that is the case .
5 Only Drs Armitage and Darnell knew Dominic Wetherby before this weekend , with the possible addition of professor St John Goth , whom I intend to see tonight , despite your objections .
6 Whom I 've trusted in .
7 I share the spoils with Sunil , to whom I 've spoken vaguely about an eccentric rich friend .
8 I congratulate the right hon. and learned Member for Warley , West ( Mr. Archer ) , with whom I have debated closely during the past three or four years , on his good fortune in getting this debate at a rather fashionable hour — earlier than the watches of the night — during the Consolidated Fund debate .
9 Linzey , of whom I have said little , bases his case upon strong ‘ theos ’ rights for animals emanating from the God of Christianity being on the side of , or ‘ for ’ his creation ( 1989 : 40–4 ) .
10 ‘ What about the Dean , of whom I have heard both Theodora and Ian speak with affection ? ’
11 She dropped a curtsey and was waiting to be allowed through the door when Mrs Eckley said , ‘ Is this not Wilson , whom I have heard so much about , Ba ? ’
12 ‘ Well , sir , I went down to see Claudia Cohn-Casson , the anthropologist , whom I have known slightly on and off , whenever she came up to town , over the last few years . ’
13 Worked out right , but not in sort of , I 've bought some but including the rest of them I 've got about a hundred pounds spending .
14 Students were everywhere , on bicycles , on foot , gowns blowing in the wind , most of them I suppose cramming in as much of their studies as they could before call-up .
15 Ditch them I think do n't you ?
16 Another thing I I 've realized recently right , I , I have a brain , I can make decisions , I have an opinion
17 Erm well I I 've lived always in sort of traditional convents , which are generally
18 I I 've heard quite good things .
19 Well I c I I 've seen so many things over the year I just do n't believe it until I actually see it and th literally four weeks ago , I 'd just got back from Germany , went on a meeting the following morning and it 's that gentleman there , Steve , and h he 's got some pictures in his pocket which will prove exactly what we 're talking about .
20 One thing I struck me this week there 's a new regulation as regard punctures on tyres because I had this completely flat tyre and a whole new set of tyres and I said to him well ca n't you mend it , ca n't you put an inner tube in like I I 've done before cos there was a nail in it you see .
21 Chair , sorry right , I I 've I I 've do n't very often .
22 You know I I I 've cancelled down before but you know in this like .
23 Yes but I I 've got quite a lot
24 I I 've got okay .
25 I I like dressing up .
26 I I want to push off erm because I 've got a lot of work to do tonight .
27 I know because I , I mean you see I know I 'm like that and I know I , I I have to look away sometimes with Derek
28 Erm to sit down , it 's alright saying that I 've got Alf and I 've got Tracey there are times when I I need to sit down and jiggle stuff about , and look at something
29 Certainly my personal reaction when hearing of the unexpected death of someone I know has always been , ‘ I must wait to have it confirmed in some sort of irrevocable way because I 'm sure I must have got it wrong ’ .
30 ‘ We 've been taking statements all day , and have discovered certain — anomalies in yours which need sorting out .
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