Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb past] just [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But Mrs Aitken told me I 'd just missed him , so I got her to make me a cup of coffee . ’
2 Fey was something they would tell me I had just invented , but it is something that never left me during the entire period I was an Instructor and sadly I was to learn very shortly after he left Kinloss that he did not survive very long on the squadron that he joined .
3 This certainly stuck a chord with the pilot whom I had just photographed as he flew his newly-restored P-40 for the first time .
4 It would n't be much good telling them I had just popped out for a breath of air this street led to both the bus and railway stations and it would n't need a genius to rumble my little game .
5 Because er my mother was fair and she must have carried it or something and then I I 'd just started I think a week of two or three weeks and my sister got it and the boys never got it .
6 Trading standards officers were first alerted to the danger by someone who 'd just bought a mixer .
7 To be near someone who had just killed was painful , agonising if the killer had enjoyed the killing .
8 That was quite enough for someone who had just admitted to disliking exchanges of confidence except to his intimates .
9 She asked for explanations which she received without comment , as if listening to someone who had just incriminated herself .
10 We could n't talk because I believe he badly wanted to telephone someone who had just returned from China , so it was just a handshake really .
11 It was like telling someone they had just lost at Russian roulette .
12 Fifty-six per cent of these men lost their virginity to somebody they knew well ; for 14% , the partner was someone they had just met .
13 The display windows of the shops had also been taken over and in some of them were displayed uniforms such as that of the Russian Legion which I had just seen .
14 I leant back and looked at the seat of my trousers , checking that I had brushed off the mud ; I wanted to make the transition from somebody who had just slept rough to somebody who looked as though he was out for an early walk .
15 There was a certain cynicism in the agency girl 's eyes , but Diane was n't somebody who 'd just climbed down off the backwoods bus .
16 ‘ What have they done to you now ? ’ she had mildly enquired , looking up from a photocopy of an article on The Compulsion to Public Prayer : a study of religious neurosis in a post-Christian society which she had just received in her own post , and Charles had said , ‘ Asked us to a New Year 's Eve party . ’
17 Rachel swung round indignantly from the filing cabinet which she had just unlocked ready to take out the records for that morning 's surgery .
18 As she faced out to sea then turned back to face the land through which she had just passed , her eyes were unseeing ; only the past was visible .
19 Gravel spurted from the heels of her boots as she crawled furiously up the cliff down which she had just slid .
20 She was obviously in distress , raising herself on all fours , snatching the hair from her face as she looked back in terror at the plaster wall from which she had just come .
21 For a fleeting moment , she wondered if the woman might have given her deliberately wrong directions but , shrugging the thought away , she started the car and turned back in the direction from which she had just come .
22 A few months after the service started there was a tragedy when the young daughter of Mr. Whitehead , Headmaster of The Salisbury School ( now Chafyn Grove ) was killed as she ran behind the reversing bus from which she had just alighted .
23 Laura had agreed while casting a wry glance up at the roof , on which she had just spent many thousands of pounds .
24 But her own internal stresses — her anxiety over Between the Acts which she had just finished , and the fear that she had lost the power to write — closed in on her as that unmitigable depression , her companion of old , took final hold .
25 The mirror was veined with gold and misted with the scented steam of the bath from which she 'd just emerged .
26 This episode put me off water for years , the platform had seemed almost as high as the Blackpool Tower which we had just visited .
27 The teacher invited us round to his cottage one evening for dinner and to talk about releasing owls into the wild , which we had just started doing around that time ( I 'll tell you more about that later ) .
28 Interesting that the offices of Yeo Davis should be very much less at the leading edge of modern design than the solicitors ' which they had just seen , McLeish thought , and murmured as much to Catherine Crane , who laughed .
29 ‘ When she started to cry they offered to help wipe her eyes and used a piece of soiled paper which they had just picked up .
30 Dhani gestured to the door through which they had just come and said , ‘ That door then ? ’
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