Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [art] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Department of the Environment ministers announced that though they had been advised that the statue was part of the listed building , and that consent was therefore required for its removal , they none the less considered it was a chattel , and would not take enforcement action .
2 In 1697 Peter I sent groups of Russian nobles to Venice , the Dutch republic and England , essentially to study seamanship ; but though their training was intended to be purely technical they none the less provided when they returned home a nucleus of mainly young men with experience of foreign countries and a grasp of foreign languages .
3 Although this was an extremely delicate operation for Nizan to perform , given that in 1934 he had carried out the rather complex act of ideological rehabilitation designed to demonstrate that Gide 's intellectual itinerary was such as to lead him inevitably to a commitment to communism , he none the less succeeded in combining professional respect for Gide 's qualities as a writer with penetrating criticism of what he considered to be Gide 's superficial analysis and hasty dismissal of the Soviet state .
4 The announcement was-carefully worded to stress the financial aspects of the study but it none the less generated a good deal of hopeful excitement as well as sceptical anxiety .
5 This cut was smaller than that imposed in some other sectors , but it none the less entailed over 7,000 job losses , including 2,400 teaching posts .
6 However , if it was too weak and watered down a version of Presbyterianism for the Scots , it none the less proved far too rigid and alien for the majority of the English laity .
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