Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is the point at which I as a mathematical physicist begin to splutter and go red in the face .
2 Mr is , is , is asking the questions which which for a long time .
3 He still considered himself something of a failed journalist ( NME amongst others , had turned him down five times in the early years ) and he often expressed a desire to use his new found influence to move into spasmodic fits of journalese .
4 Thought himself something of a political philosopher .
5 To his complete amazement , Frankie found himself something of a minor celebrity among the children of St Andrew 's .
6 erm on the problems of getting a job , for instance , erm in Oxford , because there is such an inequality between the erm rents that landlords will charge people on benefit and the rents which anybody on a low paid job could actually afford to pay .
7 The commission is effectively saying the Government has not followed the UN Convention for Refugees , under which anyone with a well-founded fear of persecution should be granted asylum .
8 If the Comintern , too , decided that the anti-fascist coalition would be weakened in Vietnam by national independence , itself something of a bourgeois concept , and if the Indochina Communist Party followed suit , no matter how reluctantly , it would at a stroke lose a very significant part of its political appeal .
9 Besides , Gregory 's preface is in itself something of a rhetorical display , leading to a defence of his use of rustic speech .
10 Although you will be present throughout the ceremony , I fear the later stages will find you something of a poor audience . ’
11 To make the film would cost you something like a hundred and twenty thousand pounds .
12 No , no I 'll give you one with a three letter one , first letter R , clue , rank could it be row , rank , row
13 If we give you that we can give you it in a certain way , but it is not necessarily meaningful .
14 Just an hour from the capital , Peshawar , gun shops will sell you anything from a Chinese automatic machine gun to a rocket launcher .
15 This took time , and it was not until 1931 that Kell was chosen as the director around whom something like a national security service could be built .
16 so that even if we get a young person coming out of the workshops that may not be the best electrician going , we can find them something in a related area — an electrical warehouse , where their knowledge of the bits that they know will be put to good use and they 'll still be in that environment they want to work in .
17 Once the Greeks grow familiar with the alternation of democratically elected governments , and once their economy is giving them something like a proper European standard of life , they will behave like proper Europeans .
18 Secondly , it may be useful to review the operation of a different regulatory regime , that is , one which to a greater or lesser degree relies on market forces and self-regulation to police it .
19 We had tourist visitors of every age and family , and some quaint scenes were witnessed on the upgoing — many of the native children ( and one who in a few years after might be called an old man ) found it a profitable , and I doubt not , too , a pleasurable work , leading the tourists to the top .
20 They handled something something like a thousand pounds worth of cars that
21 Secondly we have not heard of anything that has changed in this county since nineteen eighty sufficient to warrant or justify in this alteration the addition of a policy the effect of which , one one with a similar effect having been thrown out at that time .
22 Send one copy to your insurer and keep one yourself in a safe place .
23 She sent him theatre tickets for two anonymously and bought herself one for a few seats further back .
24 A second or two later , however , Fabia was turning her concentration to her plate , and giving herself something of a silent talking-to — her theme being that Ven would think he was lunching with some deranged lunatic if she went on grinning like that at him all through the meal .
25 In conclusion , is there anything of a general nature that can be said about Wittgenstein 's treatment of the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem ?
26 Her own afforded her nothing but a transient thrill , but mine supplied another dose of semen to chuck at the uterine wall where , sooner or later , she reckoned , some of it must stick .
27 He says sure , he was clean all right , and the screws left him nothing but a shit-soiled bucket and two aspirin to sort himself out with .
28 Taking deep breaths he was patted on the back by a man beside him who in a shallow voice said ,
29 He poured it into the glasses and handed her one with a mocking little bow that nearly made Hilary throw the liquid all over him .
30 ‘ He had another one made later at the Mandarin Hotel , but the first one made him something of a laughing stock . ’
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