Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] know [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Cos er , I , I used to say to them I know where they 've eat up or not , I do , and we 've got them .
2 Well I I know where I am so I ai n't got ta worry but boxing day we 're going to well I was going to mum 's I 'll come up and see you boxing day though .
3 One or two I I know now I 'm writing them down and .
4 Because I have to structure while I 'm writing I you know so I 'm structuring while and I ca n't write as well .
5 Even though she 's not here in person , her personality comes across in terms of someone who knows exactly what she 's doing and is strong in her views .
6 Your bill will tell you what band you 're in so if you think you 're entitled to any discounts and these are n't shown on your bill , just pick up the phone and call the Action Team they 'll put you through to someone who knows exactly what street you live in and what tax you should pay .
7 ‘ In fact , if we 're busy at work I can see that having to try and explain all the complexities of the London Metal Exchange to someone who knows absolutely nothing about it is going to be a real drag . ’
8 In preparing ours for today and the whole question of thinking of being , main precedency of communion rests in our understanding erm , of ordination , which I know later we we will have time to discuss .
9 Okay as prices are cheaper , but you do have things like Coca Cola getting to those kind of things and everything else which you know where they might not to opera and it 's because it 's more popular and they know what they 're doing .
10 And I mean there are lots of things now er which er how can I say I never had much interest before erm never thought th that they when you 've seen the help in hand they 've dished out erm , S D P , the erm oh the Council of Churches which you know never There are all sorts of erm I tell you another people and erm I sha the Gay and Lesbian Society you know , people take them er lightly but er it makes you sit up and and think now .
11 which you know then you can explore a bit .
12 which you know maybe you , you , you 'd like to erm sort of er see how you related to those sort of people .
13 Somebody who knows where he is ? ’
14 She had the oddest impression that she was taking part in a play , for which she knew neither her lines , nor the stage directions .
15 We know they were a contributory factor , but our curiosity is aroused by the hints of maladies of which we know virtually nothing .
16 I hope Chairman that er David will listen to the arguments on this because like other members of his group he throws out closure of elderly persons homes , y'know we 've got ta do it , we 've got ta do it something about which he knows absolutely nothing and about which he 's completely wrong .
17 If you need to see me you know where I 'm to be found .
18 But like , he even said it , he said to me when I was drunk and I , and it pissed me off a little bit actually cos like , he goes to me you know like I I was saying about it and he goes erm well she was the one who wanted it all casual and everything , and I said oh yeah .
19 The woman began to bear witness to the Jesus of whom she knew almost nothing , and was physically beaten up for her pains .
20 There could be as many more — dozens more — about whom she knew absolutely nothing at all .
21 trying to get through the , he says oh them people have left here , now you 'll have to , and he gives us another two numbers and that , I got through on one of the numbers and then er , I asked I says oh I says I did n't get me photograph and me plastic wallet , he says well you do n't really need them you know when you retired , but I says how can you go on the train , you sure of that ?
22 ‘ Think you I know not who my parents and grandparents were ? ’
23 I mean you want to see the world when you you know when you 're fit and able .
24 They make sure you you know why they do that , so then you can go out and buy another game another one of their games and then this so then just keep on clocking them up yeah , and go out to buy a m more games so you spend more money of their games .
25 Or else you er er er you you know Well I wo n't need that , it can all go in the corner .
26 George went to make sure there was a table for dinner ; Annette said : ‘ I 'm so sorry I acted the way I did with you … somehow I 'd got to blaming you you know how it is … ’
27 ‘ If Roman wants to see you he knows where you are , ’ she said quietly .
28 That one 's sort of exploding a bit again , like something I know when it does , it needs cleaning !
29 I had to lift my gaze from the old dashboard that I had sat in front of for more than sixty years to a new one , and the only new one I knew of displayed the dials and instruments of what is called holistic medicine and which at that time I took to be something I knew virtually nothing about .
30 I have to pay tax on that lot mind , but I mean it 's something you know like it 's still costing me fifty pounds
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