Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] need to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People in football will understand — Lennie Lawrence told me I needed to be superhuman to perform in that atmosphere .
2 Well , I I need to be sure on this .
3 He was shrewd enough to appreciate that here was someone who needed to be coaxed , not coerced .
4 That 's right , erm always make sure that the injured parts are well supported bandages should be firm enough to do the job and large enough to cover the wound all of this is the sort of thing which you need to be referring back to if you 're in any doubt .
5 Some of the combinations seem to go together automatically — e.g. the apprentice will be low status , somebody who needs to be taught — but often it 's useful to think beyond the obvious .
6 Perhaps you were right and there is a demon fundamentalist within us all , which we need to be constantly battle against — or at least made aware of .
7 which we need to be and once we get into the rhythm I 'm sure it 'll all be a lot easier but you seem to have a calmness about your how you speak which is good and you know I 'm sure I 'll go to pieces but erm yeah it was just , and what I 've picked up on as you say where it 's er how did you come to Friends Provident bum de bum de bum , we 're going through erm a structured erm spiel if you like and then they 're saying well I do n't really wan na give you any you know , recommendations at this moment and erm what we should do there is , is I suppose apack that is n't it ?
8 Another way in which there needs to be a rapprochement between statistical methods and GIS is in the area of spatial sampling and estimation from spatial samples .
9 For Whitehouse , Neville 's avowed ‘ revolutionary ’ stance was aimed particularly at the young and innocent and was a form of ‘ ideological warfare ’ from which they needed to be protected .
10 Second , services were grouped together with respect to the scale upon which they needed to be provided .
11 These two points raise the issue of the extent to which pragmatic interpretation and discourse structure are culture specific , and the extent to which they need to be or can be taught .
12 Cast in the unenviable role of responding to the ever more frequent appeals for help from Vienna , Norman Bentwich decided to see for himself what needed to be done .
13 It 's them you need to be looking at .
14 Indeed one might well argue that unless this generation is able to distinguish between what has been the religious vehicle which has carried people 's love of God , and the love of God itself which needs to be interpreted in new ways , there may be scant hope for the future of religion in the west .
15 For another , there are , in fact , no propositions with a universal acceptance , and therefore none which need to be explained by supposing them to be innate .
16 W well the only issue for you is whether or not you can , you 're in good enough control there to be able to say can you we need to be within the four to six banding , okay ?
17 But since Gide has been criticized in this respect it is something which needs to be addressed .
18 It is as if writing is seen as the inferior side of a dichotomy with speech , as if it were missing something which needs to be put back .
19 In spite of his distaste for ‘ frills ’ , he saw church-going as something one did out of obedience ; something which shaped the life of prayer and reminded each individual that he or she was a ‘ member incorporate in the blessed company of all faithful people ’ ; but not something which needed to be added to , still less enjoyed as a hobby .
20 For others this will be a new situation , but one which needs to be taken into consideration when planning for retirement .
21 Yet a statement of national intent concerning the learnings planned and provided for a nation 's youth is surely a document which should be available and one which needs to be open to public criticism .
22 The subject is one which needs to be brought to the attention of the Environment Committee and is something which the Council 's Environment Officer , once appointed , may wish to tackle on a corporate basis although one which can only be a token gesture since neither the use of peat or the peat land resource in Lothian are major issues .
23 The patient referred to here is one who needs to be connected to a ventilator to cope with a crisis or emergency .
24 So we need to re-draft it we it needs to be sort of re-drafted in in a format
25 In toddler terms , it was as if he confirmed the pattern etched in his mind that the part of him which needed to be loved exclusively , and which could throw tantrums if this need was thwarted , was simply not acceptable to others .
26 It is they who need to be changed .
27 Anna 's offended against age-old Romany taboos , but after what 's happened to her she needs to be helped , not rejected . ’
28 Well in in general er the original work plan had divided up the production work to share out the technology and this meant that components were being shipped around more than actually they they needed to be or that was economic and it was found that there was the potential to concentrate manufacturers sub-assemblies for each of the major components of the aircraft and subsequently assemble the major components in one country rather than several .
29 The hour may come within weeks , within days , to-morrow ; and then , before I take the field with the fate of Wales in my hands , I have a need of her and a use for her here ; and then I shall be loosed from this dumbness that binds my tongue , and I shall be able to say to her what needs to be said , and what as yet I can not say .
30 of times and it you need to be out there
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