Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So everyone every everyone everyone should have a copy of the questions in their book just to tell what they 've worked on .
2 A moment later the wizard was standing over him , shouting , ‘ Tell it that if it singes me I 'll let the sword go !
3 If it was me I would do the same to them but two wrongs do n't make a right . ’
4 The social workers told me I would like the home and that I could stay on at my old school and still have the same friends .
5 Later on , pleading a shortage of space , the reporter told me I would have no chance to answer .
6 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
7 When should the caseworker say , " this is too complex for me I must pass the case on ! " ?
8 if it was me I 'd draw a thick trunk and lots of lines come out from it .
9 Annie told me I 'd get a bike for Christmas — a red one with a basket .
10 ‘ If you intend me to infer that she was pregnant , then for the life of me I can see no reason why you do n't actually say so .
11 Told me I could burn the rest for all she cared .
12 This told me I could have a flight to America , if I was quick , a copy of Flight Stimulator too !
13 Such intimacy as life with my mother entailed should cease with parturition , and since Syl so resembled her in his attitude to me I could see no end to my continued childhood .
14 From where I was standing , far below me I could see a separate miniature fort linked to the mother fortress by an umbilical causeway .
15 Mr Gillis continued writing and when Alec turned to me I could see the strain on his face .
16 In front of me I could see the dark shape of a summer-house and I moved towards it .
17 Behind me I could hear the men calling again , " Hey , mister .
18 If however you hear anything of the matter , urge it as much as you can , and believe me I will leave no unconnected links in my track — and that in two years I will leave but little to be discovered here , if it please Providence to continue to me its wonted care .
19 A policeman told me I should pay a policeman to escort me to a taxi . ’
20 Econometrics appears to help in determining budgets , and in the deployment of media expenditure — but when an econometrician tells me I should adopt a ‘ drip ’ pattern on TV rather than a ‘ burst ’ pattern ( see page 115 ) , I want to know why .
21 ‘ She told me I should find a rich girlfriend .
22 In an attempt to solve this problem , I have used the experience gained from an analysis I once made of some Playschool programmes on BBC2 , and brought along some assistance , in the form of Big Ted and Little Ted , who will play the two speaker roles , and to whom I shall give an oral and a nasal voice respectively .
23 I shall ascribe it to an imaginary person whom I shall call the attitudinist .
24 You have a second to whom I can present the note ? ’
25 It is now most unusual for me to find anyone with whom I can have a knowledgeable chat about day and night netting .
26 Here I 'll take them I 'll do the tins is that it Paula ?
27 So I was determined to show them I could take a joke and the next time a big stork went over I pretended not to know what it was called and asked my girl .
28 He was speaking to someone and beyond them I could see a brightly lit room with vast chandeliers and women in white dresses .
29 It spoils them dear , you should n't throw them I can smell a smell
30 that put it underneath that 's all I 'm gon na do is , do I I 'll measure the framework
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