Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 On evidence before me I find that the plaintiff will require regular physiotherapy , speech therapy and hydrotherapy throughout her life .
2 From them I learned that the coronation was to be on the day after next , and not in three weeks .
3 I I observe that the Liberal Democrats have made a complete U turn in their previous adherence to providing a steady stream of services to the people of Oxford , and by setting for a budget below the capping level you are taking out of funds available to people things that do n't necessarily have to be taken out .
4 Are the banks simply though , trying to shift responsibility so you think , erm I I I think that the the sceptic in me would would say that they are trying to abnegate a certain amount of of responsibility .
5 Well I I think that the honourable gentleman really must accept that er coming from a party which is er in office in er in the Welsh office and has er two hundred million , two hundred and eight million pounds I think unaccounted for last year , it really ill becomes him er to lecture , to lecture anybody .
6 Ten or eleven for lectures , erm that erm I I think that the is is quite a strong reason , well the other reason is at the weekends are we providing enough cover ?
7 They did n't do I I understand that the the quarries at and and those places used to cast their own stuff , but erm I I have n't I never heard of them actually casting anything erm ferrous anyway .
8 Chairman , I I move that the report of the social services committee regarding the future of the county council 's old persons homes be noted .
9 I I anticipate that the concert should be over about nine thirty , although I hope no if we finish nine thirty five no one 's going
10 That 's not to say that I I believe that the villages er some of the villages are incapable of of .
11 No fault of our brigade at all , there 's a desperate need for the southern fire station to go ahead without any doubt whatsoever , lives are at risk and the longer we leave this the more the costs will keep increasing and er I I believe that the airport money should be used to build
12 I also said that erm my I expressed that the fears that I expressed at this meeting last time about er the fact that Paul and I now supervise civilian staff , er which I 've never been sat down and told what the civilians term of contract are and what I can or can not say or whatever , so erm I feel it will be quite valuable , and brought it for me to see if anybody think it 's worthwhile pursuing .
13 I myself thought that the matter was one on which no degrees of murder could be properly invented and was very loath to move the clause , but I was the Attorney-General at the time and it was my duty as Chief Law Officer to carry out the decision of the Cabinet .
14 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
15 I myself think that the writer 's relation to things as they are changes according to what he or she is writing .
16 Teachers should be aware , particularly of that aspect , I think , because phonic method is very often used in schools , by which I mean that the teacher wil hold up a flash card , and on it would be a pair of letters , say , suppose for example sh the teacher will hold up a large card with sh on it and will say to the class ‘ this is shuss ’ and the children will all say shuss whenever this card is held up — that 's fine , but the dyslexic pupil may not be seeing sh in the same way that the other children are .
17 I now set out the reasons for which I agreed that the appeal should be allowed .
18 I refer to my letter to you of 18 May last , in which I explained that the Agreement that you had signed for the above tape had not been signed on behalf of Oxford University Press , and that the duplicate copy which you had retained for your records needed to be returned to us for signature in Oxford before I could despatch your copy of the tape to you .
19 However , we did not have the very high rates on many goods such as television sets , which are described as luxury goods but are essentials for many people — rates which we inherited and which I understand that the Labour party would consider again .
20 Much of their scholarship was carried out mutually , with Mill attributing to her a key chapter in his Principles of Political Economy , entitled ‘ On the Probable Future of the Labouring Classes ’ ( 1848 ) , in which she argued that the working classes must receive a thorough education in order to contribute to the country 's economic and social progress .
21 The guardian ad litem prepared a report in which she recommended that the children live with their father and , in the body of the report , stated that for the local authority to carry out an assessment of the father at the same time as the children were being prepared for a long-term placement did not ‘ enable an open and honest working relationship . ’
22 An ethical perspective is also present in Alison Assiter 's paper , in which she argues that the Kantian or Hegelian notion of autonomy should apply to sexual relations as much as to the public world of social contract .
23 Secondly , there is ‘ explanatory understanding ’ ( erklärendes Verstehen ) , by which we know that the woodsman is earning a living or the marksman engaged in a vendetta .
24 His argument would be that most electronic circuits are organized interactively , by which we mean that the proper operation of one component depends on the normal operation of all of the others .
25 Er , in my respectful submission er some of inadmissible evidence put before a jury are simply too important and too central for a jury to be directed to disregard and then safely er to the which we known that the jury will disregard them .
26 In your April issue , Telarc ran an advertisement for our new release of Gilbert and Sullivan 's The Mikado in which we claimed that the recording was the ‘ first ever all-digital recording of Gilbert and Sullivan ’ .
27 Such are the times in which we live that the decision to leave his expletives unbleeped prompted tabloid news stories but , really , the programme was quite intensely moral .
28 We have identified some areas of weakness , and others in which we believe that the investment of resources will substantially improve the way in which we present ourselves to the public , and provide services which we are currently unable to undertake .
29 The letter said that collegiality was novel , unfounded , unscriptural , ‘ not even solidly probable ’ , and hinted at the powerful influence of ‘ non-doctrinal forces , whose aims and methods are not beyond reproach ’ ( by which they meant that the press was distorting the event by presenting it in terms of heroes and villains ) .
30 An important criticism of Slote 's and Trueswell 's theories is put forward by Taylor and Urquhart in their research study Management and assessment of stock control in academic libraries in which they claim that the main predictor of future use in a research collection is not the frequency of past use but the imprint date of items in the collection .
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