Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , everyone I 've spoken to on the subject would shorten the length of the bass by cutting off the V-shaped cleft in the headstock , which adds nought to the decorative aspect of the bass .
2 EVERYONE I have spoken to about the New Zealand tour of Wales agrees that , if they are going to be beaten by anyone , it will be by one of the clubs rather than by the national side .
3 Everyone I have spoken to about him — without exception — brought up his reading , the breadth of it , the compulsion , and the evangelical enjoyment he took in passing on what he had read the night before .
4 Once when I had thought Nour loved me I had delighted in a garden full of roses surrounding a villa where his aunts lived .
5 She says to me I 've explained to her how to do it and she says yo I 'll give you a bit of paper you just write down the answers !
6 No , like me I 've got ta get round there .
7 Here , you can have , that reminds me I 've got ta do that label have n't I ?
8 Blood gushes forth like nothing I have seen from my own body .
9 If not then nothing I have written before matters .
10 Have you listened to nothing I have said to you since you came here to Malta ?
11 Just as I was writing this book I received a beautiful card from Sue Fuller whom I had met at the Town and Country Festival last year .
12 I explained that I worked during the winter for a golf-mad stockbroker called Andrew Buccleuth whom I had met during my year on the amateur circuit .
13 On the return journey from Fairbanks to Edmonton I enjoyed a two-day stopover in Whitehorse where the manager of the new cinema , whom I had met on the way north , looked me up .
14 If she had n't approached me first I doubt I should have recognised her , she was so different from the plump , fresh-faced girl whom I had met on the train that January morning more than three years ago .
15 But what really made the difference was that I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde , whom I had met about the time I was diagnosed with ALS .
16 He did not share my passion for Frank O'Hara , Robert Duncan , Denise Levertov ( whom I had met in London and Paris ) , James Merrill and the early Pound ; nor did I agree with his high estimate of Robert Lowell , Howard Nemerov and T.S .
17 In the grounds of the Elgin Cathedral , I mentioned to a passing man , a local , with whom I had fallen into conversation , ‘ Dr Johnson had a meal here , that was so bad he could n't eat it . ’
18 Earlier that evening we were visited by Brigadier Mills Roberts , accompanied by several senior Officers , whom I had seen on occasion at Petworth in Sussex ( Commando Group Headquarters ) .
19 The BMA called a press conference on the emigration of doctors an hour beforehand , half the journalists went off to that , and the fierce women sent along by the pressure groups whom I had invited to liven up the occasion terrorised the few press men who remained into almost complete silence .
20 ‘ I believe I put the above into a memo addressed to Donald Wilson whom I had appointed as my Head of Serials .
21 ‘ So I returned to Sotheby , Wilkinson and Hodge , whom I had joined in 1911 … ‘
22 So I returned to Sotheby , Wilkinson & Hodge , whom I had joined in 1911 , and took the place of Mr Lambert , the chief sales clerk .
23 Finally , one of the students whom I had worked with a couple of summers previously came back to me just before I left post to discuss his third year project at Shrivenham and I was able to arrange for him to do a project involving the linking of a commercial graphical package to the expert system developed as part of the war time operation aid mentioned previously .
24 Crosland was replaced as Environment Secretary by Peter Shore , a much less exuberant and extrovert character , but a solid , steady man whom I had known over the years and had first met when he was the Secretary of an ad hoc committee formed by the Labour Party — with a few outside ‘ experts ’ such as Dennis Lloyd and myself — to produce a rental policy .
25 Ted Power , a fine collector , whom I had known for years and who had seen odd paintings in mixed shows wanted to buy something .
26 Though tragically killed in a recent motorbike accident , Madra was an undisputed maestro of the art , as well as an easy and informative friend whom I had known for some time , so it was a shock to witness the epic genius which came through him , and the transformation which both he and his audience underwent in that open village square the first time I saw him perform .
27 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
28 They took us back into the main passageway , past the hall and into a small chamber where Gavin Douglas , Earl of Angus , whom I had glimpsed during the banquet , now lounged in a chair .
29 The owner was a small exter named Fif , a ball of orange fur with tentacles , whom I 'd known for a long time in various planets .
30 Rehearsals were due to begin for myself and my accompanist/narrator John Gould , a shy , quirky , gifted musician whom I 'd known for almost twenty years .
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