Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 For a flicker of a moment as the policeman looked up at me I thought I had struck a wall again , but then the door opened .
2 When they , when they weighed me I thought I had to have my leg off , I went to the
3 and they had two they had two disabled girls , there are two girls who were erm you know physically er disabled , I forget what was wrong with them I think one had a clubfoot or something an and they were almost free they were n't completely free , but they were nearly free because of their disabilities and
4 They seemed to be mostly line-and-wash with an occasional burst of colour , and even when I got close to them I found I had to concentrate to see what they were about .
5 Er yes I I thought he had a shop , maybe yes
6 But I I thought I had to sort of do something .
7 Oh I I thought I had loads of
8 And I I think I had great admiration for the er in particular for the the woman who was the erm president of the tenants association .
9 In an effort to develop a unique sound I stumbled across the very first pattern which I discovered I had never played before .
10 Well , finally she left , and I saw her to her jeep with the new hair-drier which I found I had to press her to keep .
11 They even gamble , we were talking about and she says oh my wife knows all about that from where we come from , you know , live , live one like Random Street and which I suppose they had to get where they could , she come and looked at it and said oh that 's one wear , said they 're only four , four holes
12 Er anything special you know that sor children growing up and you know fathers not seeing them or wives having babies wh which you know they had n't seen perhaps till they were two years old .
13 The feel of him , the taste of him , was like a drug , one which she believed she had kicked , but which , she was now discovering , continued to exert a ruthless grip .
14 It was as if he were a sheet of paper torn into many little pieces which she felt she had to cover entirely with her hand , but could not , however hard she tried , because the wind always blew a few of the pieces from between her fingers or from the edge of her palm .
15 That 's torn it , thought Lydia , swallowing the smile , extinguishing the sexuality which she knew she had caused to flicker about her like burning brandy round the Christmas pudding , and adopting instead a workmanlike , country-walking air .
16 The aspirin bottle was empty , as was the silver-papered , singly wrapped , Panadol square that usually held twelve tablets , but in which she knew there had been only three , for she herself had taken two that afternoon .
17 There was no sign of her raft , the line of which she realised she had cut .
18 I had a letter from her this morning in which she said she had a bronchial chill and hoped that I fared better .
19 Sophie Swales was found to have in her possession 1s.1d and Jane Lawrence 3d. , which she said she had borrowed from Sophie Swales .
20 They found Bowler screaming she had stabbed her husband and produced a knife from the kitchen which she said she had used .
21 Unfortunately , the survey did not ask them if they sold the products about which they said they had received insufficient training .
22 The accused would not be present , and misunderstandings sometimes arose between judge and counsel , or between counsel and client , resulting in the accused often receiving a sentence which they thought they had not bargained for .
23 They have not been sufficiently sensitive to the fact that the message received may differ substantially from that which they imagined they had delivered .
24 They were charged that they did contrive , design and plot to murder MOIR NcILCHENICH widow of Ellister for mere avarice and covetousness to attain to her money which they supposed she had lying by her in her house and in pursuance of this plot did upon some day of April 1698 in dead time of night murder her by strangling her with her own belt and thereafter threw her body over a rock into the sea so that the deed was not discovered for some time .
25 They were investigating alleged deception by his flatmate , which he says he had nothing to do with .
26 He had , he claimed , been superseded in a promotion which he thought he had a right to expect from the Master of the Horse .
27 A further study of Les Sylphides reveals Fokine 's great understanding of the dance rhythms which he felt he had to make visible whenever he was using well-recognised dance forms .
28 Her husband came home then and found them quarrelling , engaged in a power struggle in which he felt he had no place .
29 But his main preoccupation during the latter part of his life was in attempting to obtain the public recognition which he felt he had been denied .
30 But having I could just tell councillor that the main problems which he felt he had to bring into this debate , the main problem is parking across the driveways in Harvey Goodwin Avenue , both the residents get very fed up because the parking .
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