Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With me I wanted everything to be more natural .
2 Thus if I break a promise for my own convenience , I fail to treat the person to whom I made it as an end in himself , for I can hardly expect him to endorse a principle of action which allows him to be treated thus .
3 As far as I was concerned , men and boys constituted a separate species , with whom I had nothing in common , and the last thing I wanted to do ( had I given the matter any thought ) was to arouse their interest , which I feared might be predatory .
4 Not only am I forced to share bed and board with a woman for whom I feel nothing but disgust , but for my pains I have been branded a disreputable opportunist by all and sundry .
5 Once I felt comfortable in them I wore them on a couple of long section of the Cotswold Way and they fared well .
6 Erm Geoff I I met him in Phillips , I went to , hang on !
7 Erm , I I heard something over the weekend , that that erm , mentioned er an American drug company , that has come up with whatever drug and it 's moved from being a million pound concern , into a multi-million pound concern , because of these discoveries ,
8 Cos I I got one off teletext erm er it must have been nineteen ninety now for Tenerife four star hotel , seven days , East Midlands Airport for one hundred and fifteen pounds half board er er the following day which was fantastic .
9 No , I I got plenty of time , I 'm not in a hurry .
10 Cos I I got plenty of time .
11 So naturally I had to get it with and it was heavier th I do n't know how much it weighed , I I I got it by the way , in my barn in farm in Indiana , one of the last relics of Brothers .
12 Er , sir , at the risk of straying slightly into into two B , you , do forgive me in advance , but you raised the specific point about size , and and erm there was er one or two statements that there is n't a a clear view on size in P P G three , I think it 's important to bear in mind the interrelationship between all P P G s and as Mr Curtis said , the research that that backs them up , and I I I point you to three quotes in the statement that C P R E have put in , erm i i i paragraph four point one seven , an and s the quote that attaches to that is taken from the research that erm er backs up draft revised P P G thirteen , transport , and erm I shall quote from that on this question of size , i it is also evident that smaller settlements , those with populations of less than fifty thousand , but particularly very small settlements are characteristically less transport emissions efficient than larger settlements , I think the the erm essence of of that particular piece of research is not as Mr Davis was implying to achieve totally self contained settlements , I do n't believe such a concept exists , it 's actually erm a planning land use in the long term to reduce C O two emi emissions something that is essential now to government policy , I think perhaps more instructive though is is the quote that I 've in included in paragraph four point one nine and that 's taken from er er this book here which I perhaps should submit the whole chapter in evidence to the panel , I 've only just included one quote , it 's it 's I suggest one of the more interesting reads that you may have as a result of this panel , it 's by Colin Ward , and it 's called New Town , Home Town , it 's undertaken by er , sorry includes some of the work that 's been undertaken by the University of Reading , erm and er David Lock Associates , on erm er new town research , and this this is due to be published by H M S O shortly , it 's unfortunate that it was n't available in time for this E I P , but I think erm , if you 'll bear with me , I will read out the quote that I put in four point one nine , because I feel that it is useful on this question of of size , we concluded that if you are interested in environmental impact , energy conser consumption , and sustainability , new settlements have to reach a certain size to be worthwhile , it 's parallel to the old arguments that used to take place around self containment in new towns , we found that new settlements of much less than five thousand houses , that 's about fourteen thousand people are not really worthwhile because if they are smaller than that you are simply putting a housing estate in the countryside , a phrase that that has already been put round this morning , it appears that the best minimum for a new settlement , the best minimum , is about ten thousand houses , that 's that 's twenty five thousand people , which as it happens is about the size of the original garden cities .
13 Well I I refer you to the answer I 've I 've just given you .
14 I I I I told you to .
15 You know , and , and I I prefer something to be kept as simple as possible and not to try and erm make it too busy .
16 I I left it with Stuart to arrange all that but maybe he 's got the hire from Friday to Friday .
17 Now one of the things I think we need to do , And I I I put it in there and it 's pa it 's part of my appraisal system , is to do some work on actually entitlements to training .
18 Well I I saw them in Mill , but I did n't know which size , size you need actually I saw some in Mill .
19 Yeah , well I , I I saw it in the paper .
20 I I regarded him as a a professional , highly trained officer er confidence in his judgement .
21 I really want to get , I er , I I want you to , I did n't really want to make it to four , I did n't want to get it too formalized because I think that sometimes gets in the way of real information .
22 This is what I said to him this is what I said to him an but he said I I see you with all your get up and go so I did n't make any reply to that .
23 That 's what I he did agree to it when I I mentioned it to him but I just ha I want to check if he 's doing one tomorrow , cos if he 's doing one tomorrow it might be tomorrow morning so I 'll have
24 So from there I I mentioned it to our provincial who 's the i the one who 's in charge of us all in this er area .
25 Yeah I I did it with Pauline , she she actually did n't mind doing it at one point before Christmas but it has n't come about and as she said , wo n't change it , it wo n't happen .
26 I I I recorded it in a closed classroom during the lunch-time playtime
27 I I say it to all whoever comes in here and they 're
28 I shall die with that feeling of guilt , that it was I who robbed him of life . ’
29 ‘ It was I who carried you to your bed .
30 I was conscious , too , of his fine , tanned hand holding the pencil , and of the occasional play of warm breath from his mouth , wholesome as home-baked bread , though he was a heavy smoker — much heavier than I. ft was I who introduced him to the Bisontes brand , a Spanish version of Lucky Strike , with a similar ‘ toasted ’ flavour .
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