Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 and to appear in court , he found himself caught up in a drama in which he had been cast as The Defendant , facing the man he had known as Rich whom everyone called The Plaintiff , and being called to order by someone he had never heard of before called The Registrar and his right hand man The Clerk of the Court — and all in the unfamiliar setting ( set ) of a courtroom .
2 a lot of the people used to come in and they 'd be in in his hotel , boozing rather than being at the pub you know , he says it for me I got a bottle and everything there .
3 Excuse me I get a Polo Mint
4 When the result of the canvass was conveyed to me I had no doubt whatever that it had been thorough and honest and that I could command the necessary support in Parliament .
5 ‘ After Nicholl was sacked Ian Branfoot took over and told me I had no future under him . ’
6 ‘ He told me I had no right to inflict pain on those girls , because they 'd simply been telling the truth . ’
7 ‘ He told me I had a problem because I refused to do anything with him .
8 At last he muttered stiffly , ‘ You told me I had a choice . ’
9 One day the screw came up and told me I had a visit down in the solicitor 's ; I went down and this man presented himself as a court welfare officer .
10 He told me I had the love of Art , but not the religion of Art .
11 Behind me I heard a kind of yelp .
12 Then behind me I heard the sounds of footsteps and stiff hinges and the death-rattle of shivering chains .
13 Fuck me , kick me I need a man .
14 ‘ 'Here behind me I leave no heir to either lute or name .
15 The sun has crabbed their gaze so that when they turn to me I see a row of puppies squinting .
16 ‘ When I look around me I see the Maelstrom .
17 Now to me I sound a lot different than I do on tape .
18 He came to tell me I have a legacy . ’
19 ‘ No , but after what you told me I have a suspicion you kissed me that night at Ib 's Club deliberately in an effort to convince her you 'd found someone else to replace her in your heart and in your bed . ’
20 I do n't wish to be rude , would you excuse me I have a bus to get to .
21 When I close the front door behind me I have a lump in my throat .
22 Julia did n't care a sod about that kid , she 'd let her to scream on , stand in the middle of the garden screaming , indoors screaming and she said to me I have no feelings for her whatsoever but she took the bloody money every week and this is what 's so wrong , nobody knows how she er was as that child , only people like us who would hear
23 And do n't tell me I have no ear . ’
24 In order to cope with the workload allocated to me I have the help of two Assistant Solicitors .
25 Among those to whom I sent a copy of the book on publication was Quintin Hailsham , then Lord Chancellor , with whom , despite our differences of opinion on many matters , I had been friendly over the years .
26 The choice of the latter led Leavis , to whom I sent the paper later , to expostulate , but at that time I thought that Read was heading for an eminence which , at least as a creative writer , he never attained .
27 There will be no difficulty in the importation , as the matter is countenanced by the Ministry , from whom I received the list .
28 But not the Indians with whom I had a year .
29 One of the most capable and widely respected of radio managers in Canada is Sid Boyling , with whom I had the pleasure of working , back in those early days of broadcasting at 1OAB where he was chief announcer .
30 Other Hollywood stars with whom I had the pleasure of working in the war effort included Fred MacMurray , Herbert Marshall , Edgar Bergen ( with Charlie McCarthy ) and Barbara Stanwyck , among others .
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