Example sentences of "[art] long [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A recreation city , apparently , for the officers of the garrison at Silcaster , and the legions tramping the long course of Watling Street .
2 Then came the two incidents that were to echo down the long ages of Elf history and set the stage for the great dramas that were to follow .
3 His arms hardly move at all — just the legs move , and his bare feet on the ground as he jumps up and down , and the long tuft of hair that bounces back and forth over his shoulder .
4 Small members of the crew will find that the long run of handholds down each side make it easy to use .
5 Umbilical hose systems sound expensive , if only because of the long sections of pipe needed .
6 He would like to open an informal , family-run restaurant in the country one day , so he can eventually imagine returning to the long hours of hotel and restaurant work .
7 A common criticism levelled at the preregistration year concerns the long hours of work .
8 He did not have time to study any more , and the long hours of work on the farm made him tired and dull .
9 Furthermore , the long hours of housework are , as many feminists have stressed , unpaid and do not receive any recognition as productive labour in national income statistics .
10 If they were not lying securely in their graves , awaiting the Day of Judgement , what might they not be up to in the long hours of darkness , as the boards creaked and the wind howled on Wuthering Heights ?
11 It will reveal the limitations to the interpretation a player can give , say , Bartok 's ‘ Mikrokosmos ’ without the long hours of practice and thought which are currently necessary for the mastery of both the piano and the music itself .
12 Construction tends to plough on regardless of the weather , but the long hours of daylight are a big plus and sunshine is a decided improvement over icy winds .
13 Music , for both of us , is a part of life we treasure , and Michael has found his records and tapes a constant source of happiness during the long hours of inactivity forced upon him .
14 And in Gascoigne 's absence he played the fool to lighten the mood during the long hours of inactivity that footballers must put up with .
15 There were times during the long hours of dark when he did drop into an uneasy doze , but never for more than a few minutes together .
16 There , as a mid-wife explains , he is standing on his head , whiling away the long hours of labour with yoga practice .
17 There are many parallels between the individual human being and the Earth , and in the mid-1930s ideas began to be put forward about ‘ earth energies ’ , linking the long tradition of life energy with the suggestion of place-related energies revealed in folklore .
18 The long tradition of trade union/worker resistance to " scientific management " of production may exert its influence informally over implementation of the new systems of " the information society " .
19 He gazed round the sitting room at the long wall of books , the crackling wood fire , the oil of the Victorian prelate above the mantelshelf as if deliberately impressing each item on his mind , then sank into his chair and stretched out his long legs with a small grunt of satisfaction .
20 Large figures , carved into the chalk hillside , such as the Uffington Horse , the Long Man of Wilmington and the Cerne Abbas Giant , are well known , but these figures were something very different : they were enormous earth sculptures which could only be seen properly from the air or on a map .
21 Nor does the performance seem anything but studio bound , at least until a more involving Act 3 , as compared with any of the sets listed above , two made in the theatre , the other exhibiting the long experience of Furtwängler in the work .
22 Conker hurried to begin with , gregarious as usual , then he slowed and tried to snatch grass from the hedgerows , the long stalks of cow parsley dangling from his mouth .
23 Mrs García 's perfect reception of a press briefing taking place halfway around the world is testament to the long reach of Televisa 's ECO network .
24 Starting early , I traverse the long ridge of hills that separates me from Isafjördur , arriving late in the afternoon .
25 On Crag Hill I stopped at the cairn to look down on Dentdale spread below me , Helms Knott , the Howgills and the distant forms of Cross Fell , Dun Fell and , facing me , the long ridge of Barbondale .
26 Kate Melville and Sue d'Argy Smith , whose daughters left the Church , as so many do , just before they became nubile , each took a hand and gave it a sharp pull , and over their heads came the long arms of Gordon the Bachelor , whose fingers stroked my hair , as countless other key personnel in the body of Christendom , South Wimbledon , stroked , shoved , pulled and all but carried me towards the stage on which I was supposed to pour out the secrets of my heart .
27 Southwards the long arms of Isambard himself were stretched to receive them ; the fire died on their heels after that brief flare , and left them on the points of English swords .
28 The boat was making for Tower Bridge , round the distant bend to Rain 's right ; the tide was running out towards Limehouse Reach , beyond the long sweep of river to her left .
29 One night the Mersey tunnel was closed to all traffic , approach roads sealed off so that the long column of Fulmars and Hurricanes could be towed to Gladstone Dock where ‘ Furious ’ was berthed .
30 In these difficult conditions the question whether nick points related to rejuvenation are present can sometimes be decided by a study of the long profiles of terraces downstream : as many terraces as there are nick points should merge with the present river profile at the hard bed .
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