Example sentences of "[art] long [noun sg] in [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 In order to simplify the task of explaining how that understanding can be achieved , it will be expedient to consider that the long aeon in which the development of the Created God has taken place can be divided into three periods .
2 He frowned at me with a long look in which I read nothing .
3 It was best not to wonder , for I faced a long journey in what remained of the Maggot 's plane .
4 often it involves a long chase in which the relationships between the record company personnel , the artist and the manager can be the deciding factor .
5 In Virginia Woolf 's To the Lighthouse there is a long passage in which Mrs Ramsay meditates after her child has been put to bed and she is on her own :
6 A long plateau in which the never-ending surrealism of pain muted down into boredom and there was Jo laughing bravely , veiling her fear and doing great lines from Gone with the Wind in a deplorably bad imitation of a southern black accent .
7 He had been writing on average a poem a week , and by the end of 1941 he had enough poems to form a first volume , The Iron Laurel , but he withheld publication until 1942 in order to include ‘ The Foreign Gate ’ , a long poem in which , for the first time in his work , Death appears as a real presence .
8 After a long while in which she heard nothing but the rasp of charcoal on canvas and the faint distant booming of the sea , he said , ‘ Talk if you want to .
9 When Anthony Crosland declared that the ‘ party is over , he can not have realized that the Government 's cuts presaged a long period in which the Labour Party itself would be seriously threatened — partly because of its association with supposedly spendthrift urban policies .
10 There was a long silence in which he sat , nodding , before he released his grip .
11 There was a long silence in which Steve weighed up the situation before speaking .
12 What the outside world sees as a minister promoting a particular project is probably the end of a long process in which different groups of civil servants within the department have argued about the case for that venture as opposed to other ventures .
13 After other speeches condemning Ian Paisley , Terence O'Neill rose and delivered a long statement in which he made it clear that he regarded the defeat of Ian Paisley as a central part of his reforming Unionism .
14 Unfortunately , this is the first winter for a long time in which Lowa has no distribution in Britain but I dare say someone will fill the gap before long .
15 A small generator can be used primarily to stop a battery discharging and it will only be able to recharge a battery if it is small and has a long time in which to do it .
16 A third story details a long punishment in which a child — like parts of Berlin to this day — is compelled to stand absolutely still .
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