Example sentences of "[art] long [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The social prerequisite of the long trend in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries towards lower crime and disorder , and greater police acceptance , was the historical process of working-class incorporation .
2 While the unweaned child must remain preoccupied by the absence of the breast and his hunger for it , the successfully weaned individual is free to turn his attention to other means of satisfying his hunter , and will probably find that , as in the instructive case of agriculture , a judicious control of his appetite results in the long run in a lessened likelihood of hunger .
3 The long drive in an ancient car must have been very trying .
4 No changes were envisaged in Chapter I dealing with service , and the long intermission in the activities of the Conference until its revival in 1951 prevented any action .
5 For sports the children would run around a local playing field , which was just down the road , they walked there under supervision of , or the children would do the long jump in the sand pit .
6 Secondly , the long latency in the transformation of rodent cell lines by HPV .
7 The mare plunged gallantly at the hillside , but even the long rest in the dark cool wood had not restored her full strength .
8 This was suspended during the Long Parliament in the middle of the seventeenth century but was restored by the Clergy Act 1661 .
9 He and his co-pilot settled down in the darkness for the long flight in the cramped cockpit .
10 This led to a two mile chase on my bicycle following his refusal to answer my questions and a final on the deserted marshes where large quantities of tobacco had to be recovered from the long grass in a grey December dawn .
11 There was no incentive to move , for the bus queues were twice as long as usual ; the rush-hour had started , and the prospect of the long wait in the rain did not appeal .
12 This produces the stress of tiring ambulance journeys , the long wait in the clinic and not seeing the same staff at each visit .
13 A month later , the boarders were sitting round the long table in the Kleibers ' dining-room , having breakfast .
14 He went to the long table in the centre of the room and looked down at the detailed map spread out across its surface .
15 The long stay in the corridors must have made him forgetful , he thought .
16 Table I shows the excellent preservation of left ventricular ejection fraction in the long term in the surviving patients : 11 of 14 patients performed more than 9 minutes of exercise with the standard Bruce protocol at the time of their most recent annual review ( 1991–2 ) .
17 In the long term in the long term .
18 Roy 's age is the one vital fact missing from the long list in the Rovers press release .
19 In a formal sense at least , the long period in the wilderness was over .
20 Under the ‘ post-war consensus ’ the long boom in the economy allowed Conservative governments ( 1951–64 , 1970–74 ) as well as Labour ( 1945–51 , 1964–70 , 1974–79 ) to engage in the redistribution of resources to poorer groups and areas through ‘ progressive taxation ’ ( taxing income at higher rates in higher-income groups ) and through expenditure on social security programmes , supplementary benefit , education , health , etc .
21 The winning of " possession " in 1985 after a long struggle in the courts will prove to have been a shallow victory if the protection attaches [ sic ] to this status is to be further undermined , leaving absolute control once again in the hands of the " greater possessors " , the owners .
22 The village was four miles away , the walk back a long climb in the sun .
23 Scroll through a long document in a DOS word processor , then compare that to wading through a Word for Windows file .
24 What 's more it 's one that , contrary to composites ' up-to-the-minute image , has a long history in the specialist motor industry .
25 In this second talk I want to mention a view which has a long history in the Church , far longer than my previous subject .
26 Thirty-seven per cent of the national dairy herd is of the Swedish Friesian ( SLB ) , which has a long history in the country .
27 The tradition of writing ‘ effusions ’ in blank verse had a long history in the eighteenth century , culminating in The Task by William Cowper .
28 On the contrary , the idea of the Kingdom had a long history in the life of Israel , and the coming of Christ coincided with a feverish wave of expectancy within the nation .
29 Whatever we may think of Oliphant 's views , we have to assume there would be little point in attacks on [ h ] -dropping by the educated elite unless it was highly salient and widespread , and it is reasonable to assume for these reasons that it probably has quite a long history in the language .
30 This was known as the ‘ butty system ’ , which has a long history in the area ( Griffin , 1977 , p. 26 ) .
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