Example sentences of "[art] rather [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As I , as I said earlier the new boy , the rather elderly new boy but I can assure the Professor if I were a hundred years old I 'd still be younger than 'im .
2 Engineers and manufacturers of the nineteenth century had to keep an eye open for the rather too-well-informed casual visitor , making notes and sketches of what was going on .
3 In truth , he was very much smitten by Sarah at the time and he would scarcely have noticed the rather nondescript little sister who fell passionately in love that day .
4 Finally the rather nondescript parted lips for the sound of ER ( long vowel no. 4 ) may be preceded by two slightly different sounds , as in
5 Heat struck through the thin soles of her sandals as , joining the straggling file of other passengers , Luce made her way across the tarmac towards the rather unprepossessing terminal building .
6 A noticeable reduction in fluid uptake or an apparent fluid secretion was seen on days 6–9 , although the recorded secretion was not as large as one would expect from the rather pronounced inflammatory response in the jejunal segment that was investigated .
7 This is a square arrangement of two carbon monoxide and two iodide ligands attached to the central rhodium , which is in the rather low formal oxidation state of +1 .
8 The catalysted conversion of methanol to ethanol by arrangement of two carbon monoxide and two iodide ligands attached to the central rhodium , which is in the rather low formal oxidation state of + 1 .
9 The rather flat negative slope with which the aggregate demand curve is normally drawn insidiously suggests that quite a modest reduction in the absolute price level — 10% perhaps — will give a significant positive boost to aggregate demand .
10 This concentration on hardware is , I think , partly responsible for the rather limited international view taken by this approach : it envisages that the bunching of innovations which generates long cycles also generates international ripples so that the innovations are diffused through the leading capitalist countries and the long cycle is international .
11 I remember an English don once coming to me at the end of a meeting , and saying that she had suddenly seen that evening in Jesus Christ the answer to the rather negative existentialist framework into which her life had been cast .
12 The lack of theoretical discussion reflects the present state of our understanding : we have , on the one hand , only the rather simple philosophical approaches to indexicals ( covering just some aspects of person , time and place deixis ) , and , on the other hand , amass of complicated linguistic facts , to which some preliminary order has been brought by the work of Fillmore and Lyons in particular .
13 Highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the rather drunken arm-wrestling tournament during which losing contestants had their fists pressed into plates of guacamole and refried beans .
14 Then he suddenly remembered Sophia Ainger 's sister , the rather odd young woman he had met in Bloomsbury that evening and taken out for a drink .
15 Even the rather unwieldy theological statement quoted by Ayer could be interpreted in this way .
16 There is more here to enjoy than to carp about , abut as with the Chopin Waltzes , the rather close digital piano image seems slightly artificial in its bright presence .
17 Second , the developing study of the biblical documents themselves began to undermine the rather monolithic orthodox understanding of it .
18 Unless Pr > 1 , there is vigorous disorganized small-scale motion as well as the rather coherent large-scale motion of the thermals .
19 That it should require a lid painting at all suggests that it can not have been an English instrument or a Ruckers , and , if its shape is drawn as carefully as the presence of an accompanying scale would indicate , the rather blunt double curve of the bentside would suggest one of the Hamburg makers .
20 Elsworth , who blames himself for ‘ choosing the wrong race ’ for Ghofar twice this season , is now convinced the horse is a much more adaptable jumper than the rather hesitant seven-year-old Brendan Powell rode in 1990 .
21 If the colouristic range seems limited in places , that may have as much to do with the rather desiccated 30-year-old recording as with the composer 's only part-time virtuoso fingers .
22 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
23 This was explicitly recognized by the early twentieth century physiologists who saw their fundamental task as that of discovering how the infinite variety of the perceived world could be reflected in , or reconstructed in , the rather monotonous nervous system .
24 He was quite a forceful preacher , too intelligent for the majority of his congregation , so that the rather dry instructive sermons to which he inclined personally had to be diluted and sweetened to suit their taste .
25 The practical reality of modern police organization and its response bears absolutely no relation to the rather quaint legal structure within which the police are supposed to be contained .
26 The rather specific environmental requirements of salt weathering mean that its action is spatially highly variable .
27 The rather un-Byronic 30-year-old Dustin Hoffman must have had a similar experience on the morning of 22 December 1967 when he opened the newspapers .
28 SCULPTURE and reliefs turn the rather drab civic grandeur of this room into a powerhouse of ( mainly extrovert ) art .
29 So I think that er to put parental investment theory centre stage is more reliable and better than the rather old-fashioned biological approach which in talking about sex emphasise things like sex chromosomes and hormones , so that a sex chromosome in a mammal for instance was something that a male had but a female did n't and this gave rise to hormonal effects like those of testosterone erm which are thought to be very important .
30 Many of the rather frowsy old biddies who made their living by singing Gay Nineties songs and cadging drinks from the customers , recognized Ella , and several came to sit at our table to have their pictures taken by the resident camera man .
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