Example sentences of "[art] way [conj] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The same as the way that this gentleman has found it 's somebody else making a decision to what people can see and I do n't consider some a show like Pro 's and Con 's which had female nudity and two hundred and fifty people walk out in one night to mean something which I think is enhancing to the playhouse . .
2 What I have n't done and I ought to because of the erm the way that this discussion has to unfold , I ought to say that pure few sentences about why should there be a strategic sites policy at all and erm I ought to put that on the record although it 's pretty well trailed in all the paper work .
3 I take your point Anne , but I would prefer to help the MP understand that the nature of the way that this department is run is that officers do take responsibility for their specialist areas of work , the senior management has always supported that , and I do n't feel minded to change it because the MP finds it difficult .
4 The way that this information is used by libraries varies considerably , according to the type of publishers and the type of library .
5 Er , before I call Mr can I compliment the council on the way that this debate has gone .
6 John Major , like Douglas Hurd and Michael Heseltine , discussed the way that this adherence shaped his approach to politics and national life .
7 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
8 Hence , this August does not necessarily mean the month that we are now in , in the way that this week ordinarily means the week that we are now in .
9 That too , despite its popularity , had been underrated , in a way that this recording ought to correct once and for all .
10 You should explain to them that it is your responsibility to ensure that contracts are exchanged in such a way that this scenario does not arise .
11 He must introduce them into the plane of his own discourse , but in such a way that this plane is not destroyed .
12 Who , therefore , is responsible for seeing that the areas available are planned in such a way that this end may be achieved ?
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