Example sentences of "[art] time i go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We , I used to move around a lot on those days as you could do really speaking because I was n't old enough to be under the Essential Works Order you see , and er I was by the time I went into the army it was 1946 so er the war was over .
2 By the time I went to college , I did feel more confident .
3 This was still very much the situation by the time I went to Bristol .
4 I was very much happier by the time I went to sleep .
5 But by the time I went to University Jung was actually more hated than Freud was .
6 It reminds me of the time I went to a school in Clevedon to interview one of the masters , David Bryant , who was the greatest bowls player in the world and a star in his own right .
7 Er er you see it was all , with me it was when I , at the time I went to work and er I had to leave work to have my baby you see .
8 ‘ By the time I went to Devonshire I knew that there was a real hound , and I knew we were looking for a man and a woman .
9 like the time I went to sleep while driving
10 Well , I 'd done that there , and that had gone by the time I went to the hospital and I thought brilliant !
11 The time I went before that , I got erm , like a frostbitten thumb , because I was going up on the chair lift , and er , I dropped one of my gloves , and it was quite a cold day , so by the time I 'd got to the top , and skied all the way back down , and then down the road going back to try and find me gloves , because I had borrowed them from a friend ,
12 Well actually the time I went in it was erm when Gillian was thinking of buying it
13 The collection or pot plants was n't simply brought about by my parking my car at the garden centre every time I went to the hospital ; there was more to it than that .
14 Every time I go to Cambridge I come back depressed as hell ; then as soon as I am back to a Norfolk class spirits soar again .
15 Every time I go to sleep I do n't know what 's gon na happen .
16 EVERY time I go to the Post Office , there 's a queue .
17 You learn just as much in the corridors , in the bars , in the grounds , talking to your colleagues , fuelling each other 's enthusiasm and I certainly , every time I go to that college , I come back home full of renewed hope , fire and passion .
18 Every time I go for a wee I en she comes with me and pulls a load off to bloody blow her nose !
19 I mean years ago I can remember coming into town and seeing that furniture shop filled with people walking around , every time I go past it now it is empty
20 Every time I go into a new archive I just ca n't believe what I 'm discovering .
21 Every time I go through a lean spell I 've lost a yard ; every time I score a goal it means I 'm over the hepatitis .
22 I get prickly heat every time I go in the sun .
23 Yes , and every time I go in there , I say well what you know Barry and he did n't tell me that , he thought I already knew
24 every time I go in the
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