Example sentences of "[art] first time [conj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was when I took my jacket off and stood before a mirror and saw for the first time that all I was was a pair of scarlet braces , that I realised that evangelism was n't enough .
2 ‘ So you will not consider me , after all our friendship ? ’ he asked , and Emily moved restlessly ; he realised for the first time that all her movements were studied .
3 Meanwhile , Coram have announced that they will support the entire French Admiral 's Cup team , the first time that all three boats in a team will have been sponsored by a single company .
4 This represented the first time that all five states had agreed on all aspects of ending the Cambodian conflict .
5 This is not the first time that such considerations have arisen for readers of his fiction .
6 It was the first time that such an offer had ever been made ; initially , he was loath to put his sketches on public display — but he was also flattered .
7 It was the first time that such a precaution had had to be taken at a British nuclear power station .
8 This is the first time that such a service has been available at a tennis event .
9 An eagerly awaited new tax law that includes a provision for tax relief on personal and corporate donations to cultural , educational , scientific , sporting , religious and humanitarian institutions and events was introduced in the Czech and Slovak Republics on 1 January , the first time that such provisions have been made in Czechoslovakia since 1938 .
10 This is the first time that such a show has been organised in Bavaria and reflects the interest of its creator , Prinz Georg von Hohenzollern , who is Generaldirektor of the Bavarian Staatliche Gemäldesammlungen and of the same family as Frederick the Great .
11 It was the first time that such appeals have been made .
12 This is believed to be the first time that such a report has been made from Scotland through the Scottish Office to Europe under the EC nitrates directive and Mr Buchan , vice chairman of the River Board said there were far reaching implications .
13 It was the first time that many of the sales force had seen the new range , which had taken one year to develop and would be launched into the market place within the next few weeks .
14 It was the first time that most of his people had heard him speak .
15 As the sopranos of the WI soared off into the upper atmosphere he began to feel for the first time that this Christmas had meaning .
16 This is the first time that this development has been made manifest .
17 As Robert points out this is the first time that this function has been run as a single corporate entity .
18 This is not the first time that this issue has reached the public domain , or will it be the last time that the House is asked to focus on the rights and duties of citizens in circumstances — from time to time inevitable circumstances — when the interests of one individual or one set of individuals necessarily impinge on and potentially damage the interests of others .
19 The referendum results were thus automatically invalidated — the first time that this had happened .
20 The in-can system , for which we hold the patent , won The Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement in 1991 — the first time that this award has been given to a brewer .
21 Gary could remember with utter clarity the first time that some other kids had called him a Spade .
22 It was one of the most marvellous events of my life and the first time that any of my work had ever been put on public show .
23 This , said one of the Americans involved , is the first time that any European government has recognised gypsies as a ‘ transnational non-territorial minority ’ .
24 One of the college 's most innovatory features was the composition of its governing body , which , at Mrs Reid 's insistence , included three ‘ lady visitors ’ — the first time that any British institution had women sharing officially in its direction .
25 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that this is the first time that any Government have introduced a genuine patients charter of rights ?
26 An estimated 1,600 rural workers and union leaders were reported to have been murdered in the Amazonian region over the last decade but this was the first time that any substantial landowner had been brought to trial .
27 This was the first time that any part of the English-speaking Caribbean region had attempted political integration since the dissolution of the West Indies Federation in May 1962 [ see p. 18813 ] .
28 The bill follows a report which stressed the need for parliamentary involvement in nuclear issues , and is the first time that any aspect of French nuclear energy policy has come before the deputies .
29 The R Y A is financially strong , following from the good results of last year , the reserves passed one million pounds for the first time and those will enable us to continue with our work for yachting while we deal with the problems that I have touched upon .
30 This is because the students will be dealing with this for the first time and this is thought to be a clearer presentation .
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