Example sentences of "[art] first [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Members of the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service , staff voluntarily by GPs , are usually the first doctors to arrive at the scene of car accidents where they can give specialist emergency treatment , additional to that provided by ambulance staff .
2 The Moon was one of the first objects to come under the scrutiny of the newly-invented telescope .
3 A dollop of cranberry sauce has been the traditional accompaniment to turkey since the Pilgrim Fathers ate what they called crane berries ( the flowers resemble cranes ) — probably in the form of a sauce — with turkey at the Thanksgiving feast , celebrating their survival of the first winter spent in America .
4 Lindsey reached for her pen and looked up , smiling , as the first patient walked into the room .
5 She seated herself at the desk , relocated a floral display and smiled as the first patient walked into the room .
6 Michael George Wittet was born in Bombay in 1918 , the son of a consulting architect from Perth and a French mother who was one of the first women to graduate in history and languages at the Sorbonne in Paris .
7 Oxford University Basketball player Jodi Evans … she became … the first women to play for the mens team … but they lost to Cambridge in the varsity games
8 An ardent but always non-violent feminist , she campaigned vigorously for women 's rights , fought hard to improve rudimentary state education and medical services , and was one of the first women to stand for election to a borough council after the passing of the Qualification of Women Act in 1907 .
9 They were the first state concerns to be given this go-ahead since July 1989 , although private companies had from January 1991 been allowed to make direct payments of foreign commercial debt .
10 Exactly how and when the first state emerged in the history of human society is a problem impossible to resolve ; and for that matter it is by no means inconceivable that embryonic forms of the state always existed as an inheritance from animal societies .
11 We spent the first day getting over the long flight ( though with only three hours time difference there was no appreciable jet-lag ) and having a look round the town .
12 When the delegates from Western literature meet on the first day to pray for their existence , there is an attempted disruption of the ceremony by Muslim fundamentalists who claim to object to the Christian format of the proceedings , but , as we later discover , their real target is the elusive Gibreel Farishta whom they are trying to punish for his heretical views .
13 We spent the first day climbing on Anglesey 's big sea cliffs to prove that we could climb at an extreme level .
14 So the first day finished with me lying sleepless , listening to that familiar music coming from below as it had years before , the jazz records my mother used to play .
15 The first day consisted of workshops , for members only , on pledge taking and voucher selling , with a free discussion at the end .
16 AFTER 112 pioneering days as the first man to live with a permanent artificial heart , Barney Mark , the Seattle dentist died last week , after a viral infection attacked his weakened body .
17 Today he has also become the first man to drive across Langjökull , and the first to drive across Drangajökull .
18 Soon , he became the first man to drive on an Icelandic glacier .
19 His total of 275 was 13 under par , four outside the record , and he also failed narrowly to become the first man to score in the 60s in every round .
20 I replied that I had watched my television all day when the first man stepped on the moon .
21 Who was the first man born outside England to captain that country ?
22 The first man cycled to the first mark and left the cycle and hurried on , on foot .
23 What had happened ? the first man asked of Agnes .
24 The first man stopped in mid-flow and turned .
25 Neil Armstrong is a good example , as the first man to walk on the moon : ‘ One small step for man , one giant leap for mankind . ’
26 Happy ending : Nicky , the first woman to walk to the North Pole , married Robert , the first man to walk to both Poles , three weeks ago in a Co .
27 Nicky , the first woman to walk to the North Pole , married Robert , the first man to walk to both Poles , three weeks ago in a Co .
28 Venables raised £2.5m for a 23pc stake , making him the first man to play for , manage , and part-own a major English soccer club .
29 I also remember meeting Johnnie Cooper , then a subaltern , but a long serving ex-N.C.O. who had been probably the first man recruited to the infant regiment by David Stirling .
30 Already , briefly , holder of the world 's flying-start kilometre ( 152.33 m.p.h. on Southport Sands in 1926 ) , he was the first man to travel at 200 m.p.h. over the mile : on 29 March 1927 at Daytona Beach , Florida , driving the huge chain-driven Sunbeam , powered by two World War I Matabele 22½-litre aero-engines , designed by Coatalen , he averaged 203.988 m.p.h. over the mile .
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