Example sentences of "[art] other thing [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 So , the other things that had erm we 've endeavoured to incorporate is to try and not divide the estate , one of the one of the aims of the master plan has been to seen to integrate bungalows and any new housing together and in a number of respects the demolition of the terraced blocks and the er er , putting back of more conventional two storey housing has allowed us to do this by rather than having a access road running the whole length of the estate and similarly the that are running past the length of the estate away from the houses we 've we 've put the houses where the road is and the road where the house , where the terraced blocks were , erm to form more of a conventional street scape so that people can look out on their cars and that we , you actually got the new houses facing the existing ones .
2 ‘ People do n't use pubs like they used to do and that 's the demise of the country pub , not so much the other things that have been said .
3 What it actually means erm is that er there is unlikely to be a by-pass for some time , but in effect that would be likely to be the case anyway , one because of the cost of the by-pass overall and secondly because of the erm position with regard to other aspects of the roads programme and the level of T S G that we are currently receiving er even if there was an agreed line as of today erm bearing in mind the th the other things that have happened in the roads programme , it still would be unlikely that the by-pass would be er programmed in such a way that it would allow housing or other development to take place in East Grinstead within either the structure plan period or the local plan period and hence the points that then er that the report moves on to erm come into play .
4 Frankly some of the other things that have been going on weeks .
5 The other thing that 's been done , erm , and has been ongoing now for some months without too much success , but things seem to be moving a little bit , at least we 're told they are , is that I I pressed for , not really a presentation but a technical meeting , I wanted to get there there product engineers
6 And the other thing that 's happened of course , is that the tw , the , the indoor and the outdoor have had to start spending more time working together and think together , and indeed being measured together , because you 're now measured as a team are n't you ?
7 What happens if we 've got an emergency situation and how come when you got about three or four different authorities to deal with that matter and the other thing that has been said people said it to me , the question of building and in some parts of West Sussex we 've got concrete jungles and that itself can cause flooding because water does n't drain would do through natural resources through its natural well drain away .
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