Example sentences of "[art] two [noun pl] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A confident distinction between the two disorders remains a taxonomic problem in 8–20% of specimens .
2 I have , perhaps rashly , elsewhere published the baldly provocative claim that ‘ postmodernism is only heterosexuals catching up with camp ’ and I think the relationship between the two discourses remains a fruitful area for further study .
3 These results show that intestinal pseudo-obstruction in patients with amyloidosis is caused by either myopathy or neuropathy , and that chemical types of amyloid may determine which of the two factors has the dominant affect on the bowel function .
4 When a polymer dissolves in a liquid , the interaction of the two components stimulates an increase in polymer dimensions over that in the unsolvated state .
5 Whilst each of the two systems embraces a host of different proposals , the ‘ pure ’ forms of the two types of system can be characterized as follows [ … ]
6 The proximity of the two articles demonstrates the sad fact that for every case of human suffering Amnesty International seeks to alleviate , there are many other innocent people whose human rights are routinely abused .
7 The line under each of the two patterns indicates the extent of the integrated plasmids .
8 The intersection of the two curves indicates the simultaneous solution to the two problems .
9 A change in excitation between the two windings produces a step of 90 degrees .
10 The news of the meeting of the two executives follows a steep rise in Pearl 's share price last Friday .
11 The signal detected by the stylus when it makes an electrical connection between the two sheets provides a measure of its position .
12 The signal detected by the stylus when it makes an electrical connection between the two sheets provides a sure of its position .
13 A line constructed through the centres of the two circles cuts the left hand circle at Bishops Cannings and I must admit that at the time I did the preparation for the article thought little more about this point .
14 When using the drawn grid the line running from Bishops Cannings church through the centres of the two circles makes an angle with any of the horizontal lines of the grid .
15 The material that has fallen into the more massive of the two galaxies rekindles the quasar at its core .
16 I was saying the single biggest difference for me between the two sides has A been the passing but also the movement .
17 The rift between the two brothers recalls the one between Cain and Abel and would seem at first to be heading for a similar conclusion .
18 It then makes sense to ascribe the subsequent rise in real wages primarily to whichever of the two markets sees the more intense competition .
19 If you prefer , however , you can think of fitting a line to transformed data as equivalent to fitting a curve to the raw data ; in effect one is saying that the relationship between the two variables takes the form of a particular curve .
20 The first method is to take out two separate policies that cover half the loan amount ( this can be stretched so that the higher earner of the two parties has a policy covering a greater amount ) .
21 The repeated nature of transactions between the two parties puts a premium on trust , cooperation and reputation as the basis for exchange .
22 Fitting the water softener is a matter of breaking into the rising main and ‘ teeing ’ one pipe off to the softener and another from it ; a third pipe connecting the two tees contains a by-pass valve which is shut when the water softener is in use and open when it is not .
23 Although the symbolism of the serpent is universal , in no two countries does the relationship appear to possess such complimentary sociological , philosophical and metaphysical components .
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