Example sentences of "[art] [det] [noun sg] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 But the latter sum has itself been subject to revisions .
2 Even in the matter of state spending on the arts the same difficulty presents itself .
3 A third view of what he wanted came from the same head telling himself that he wanted pupils in his school to have a vision of learning as an embodiment of self-improvement .
4 She therefore advertised the garage as being for rent , and at the same time got herself a job as a secretary to an insurance broker , to fill in the time until Peter should be at home permanently or a family should arrive .
5 Many Danzigers felt that the Nazis could not help them , and at the same time that only the Nazis could help them ; they urged the Party on while at the same time distancing themselves from it .
6 Mr Salmond said : ‘ I find it quite incredible that on the day this bungling Government is desperately trying to scramble out of a hole on pit closures , it is at the same time drilling itself into a well on oil jobs .
7 Following demobilisation , he set about the rehabilitation of the Trinidad Workingmen 's Association , whilst at the same time getting himself elected as mayor of Port of Spain .
8 Macbeth defends but at the same time accuses himself ; ‘ Thou canst not say I did it : never shake/Thy gory locks at me ’ ( 50f . ) .
9 In short , a parliament must both support and supervise government , while at the same time maintaining itself as the focus of political debate and , above all , as the instrument for political change , by offering the electorate a credible alternative government .
10 In order to lose weight permanently , and at the same time to rid yourself of some possibly long-standing unpleasant symptoms , you will need to learn what your body needs .
11 Advisers are here exposed to an example of social policy work where several potential clients may be assisted at the same time to help themselves .
12 Yanto shouted at the beast to attract its attention away from the fleeing threesome , while at the same time squeezing himself into a tight batch of young saplings .
13 Someone called out to her , and she turned to acknowledge it , at the same time feeling herself collide with a broad chest in a white coat .
14 So essentially antagonistic class interests sharing the same region find themselves allying with each other in their mutual self-interests .
15 Nevertheless , a particular large RNA molecule evolved spontaneously in the test-tube , and the same molecule re-evolved itself again and again in subsequent independent experiments !
16 The boy had the same urge to better himself .
17 It was fortunate that I had a little time to accustom myself to being in such a place and to the thought of seeing my father .
18 This would take place in view of the grandstands at 5.35 , after the players had checked their scores , signed their cards and taken a little time to compose themselves .
19 You may have dismissed the Japanese exercising before work or the Chinese performing their Tai Chi routines , but when you have undertaken a few exercise disciplines yourself you will admire their dedication .
20 ‘ Well , I 'm sure you 've broken a few speed limits yourself since then .
21 But no such person manifested himself .
22 The distinction between those cases and this is that the lawyer for the other can immediately attack the one — there is somebody there to protect the reputation of each defendant who is in the court — but in a case such as that which has affected my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West , there is no such opportunity to defend oneself .
23 More intelligent inmates of debtors ' prisons needed no such inducement to behave themselves .
24 For their part , the EEC states no more wish to deprive themselves of the benefits of wide free trade than do the comparatively wealthy Efta countries .
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