Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] can [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The AIC can not expel members , but only demote them from Fellow or Professional Associate to Associate .
2 In addition to this , there is no reason why owners of the Duomatic can not use Creation 6 to create their own designs .
3 It is trying to assert itself politically , offering money the PLO can not match to young , educated Gazans to join the Islamist movement .
4 But the PNC can not get hold of Suffolk files .
5 The letter continues : ’ The TEC can not address the guaranteed programmes for young and unemployed people in isolation from this economic background .
6 Such powerful artefacts as the Doomstones can not have escaped the notice of the Great Enchanter , and he would certainly make every effort to get hold of them .
7 As there is no apparent sulphate reduction in these zones and the SRB can not have been recently introduced to these deeply isolated environments , we speculate that the SRB must survive by reducing Fe(III)-reducing environments is needed .
8 ‘ The 519 members of the Bundestag can not rival the expertise and available manhours of federal and Länder bureaucracies .
9 Domestic needs for resources are so great that the USSR can not afford to take many losses in Latin America for purely political purposes .
10 Since 1981 there have been no further issues of SDRs because the executive board of the IMF can not provide a consensus as to the need for a further issue of SDRs .
11 Ministers , including Mr Pik Botha , the foreign minister who negotiated the transition agreement , have suggested that if the UN can not control SWAPO it should get out .
12 To be able to represent you , however , the RCN has to be ‘ recognised ’ by the employer for that purpose and the RCN can not force any employer to grant that ‘ recognition ’ .
13 While the ‘ Last Word ’ column in The Independent on Sunday stated : ‘ Last night the service went off air because the BBC can not afford the annual budget of £5m and is pursuing a policy of cost cutting .
14 There is no prison from which an initiate of the Fiana can not escape .
15 In practice , the SAM can not look very deeply below the surface of an object .
16 The FA can not condone behaviour which inflicts damage upon the image of the game and conflicts with the efforts of the FA , UEFA and FIFA to promote fair play .
17 The APB can not ignore such strong criticisms , but it can not accept them without badly damaging its credibility .
18 The APB can not afford to retreat too far from its proposals without raising doubts about its effectiveness , yet the major audit firms ' criticisms of the two EDs are fundamental .
19 But the APB can not bridge the expectations gap on its own .
20 If the Oxford can not fly for one reason or another , she will still be the only ‘ live ’ Airspeed aircraft in the world .
21 Obviously the GMC can not investigate the efficacy of every controversial treatment brought to its attention .
22 In contrast , the moral universe within which the Piaroa can not inflict violence is very wide , encompassing all of Piaroaland .
23 If the NRA can not resolve them , it will be for MAFF to hold an inquiry under section 13 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 .
24 It is usually assumed that although the ever-increasing indebtedness of the USA can not continue indefinitely , the elimination of the imbalance should not be brought about by sudden and severe adjustment .
25 The DC can not refer to any modules referred to by a DC activated via another package ( this prevents conflicting modifications )
26 the DC can not refer to any modules referred to by a DC activated via another package ( this prevents conflicting modifications ) and
27 The high-cost economies of the EC can not insulate themselves from the world outside — from the more flexible economies of the Pacific Rim and North America .
28 They have now decided , at a meeting in Luxembourg , that there is one thing the EC can not do and three things it can .
29 The benefits offered by the AA are not as substantial as they may , at first sight , appear since the free legal representation scheme may be withheld altogether at the discretion of the Association ; the AA will not negotiate in respect of the defence of claims made against members ; the AA can not give advice or act where the Association or any of its subsidiary companies may be involved .
30 The BCC can not function as a holding company , but can carry out auxiliary service activities for the group , which would include treasury functions .
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