Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [is] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The EEC is probably the best single indicator of cortical arousal at low levels .
2 The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world .
3 The KGB is certainly the largest intelligence organisation in the world and is divided into five separate directorates .
4 The picture in extra-mural departments and the WEA is much the same , as the liberal tradition fights a rearguard collapse in the name of ‘ education for its own sake ’ in the face of enormous government and institutional pressure to become cost-effective .
5 The Mississippi is probably the classic case .
6 Based on the 93.7ins platform of the new three-door Tercel , the Paseo is roughly the same size as the CRX , but more practical .
7 In Britain , the verbatim parliamentary record of what is said in the Lords and the Commons is possibly the most trusted document one could find .
8 Historians seem to have taken the lead from their subject : the RPF is still the least studied and least well-understood part of de Gaulle 's career .
9 The main selection for the NatWest is also the main selection for the Championship .
10 Against this background , it may seem extraordinary that the UKAEA is also the main government-backed organization in Britain responsible for research into ‘ renewable ’ sources of energy — from tidal barrages to wind farms .
11 The UKAEA is still the legal name of AEA and it is still government-owned , but it is now a very different organisation from that created in 1954 .
12 At the same time , the UK is also the ‘ host country ’ to an unusually large stock of assets owned by foreign multinationals , ranking third behind Canada , which has a large presence of US companies , and the US itself ( Ietto-Gillies , 1987 , Table 3.1 ) .
13 In the meantime , the UK is now the third largest producer of beef and veal in the EEC , though its production of about a million tonnes is only half of that of France and it is only seventh in the table of per capita consumption at 22.3kg per annum .
14 The disposal also meant that the UK is now the group 's single largest market , generating 41% of revenues ahead of France 's 37% .
15 The AEEU is now the biggest manufacturing union in Britain , although Jordan claims not to seek personal power .
16 Now , major sewage interceptor schemes have been completed and the Tyne is undoubtedly the finest salmon stream in England ; and getting better every year .
17 Although small by comparison to some of the latest generation sports cars , the Suzuki is almost the same size as the famed MG Midget , launched more than 30 years ago and which , for two decades personified motoring fun .
18 Although the set-up with The Daintees is basically the matey-blokes-next-door scenario , Stephenson deals the unique card of being the star-next-door .
19 Fulcrum chose Midland-owned Forward Asset Finance as its leasing company because the Midland is also the company 's main bank .
20 Further , I wanted to give a couple of old friends a birthday treat , and the Ritz is just the place for that .
21 Meanwhile , the BTA is still the custodian of the finest theatre library in Europe .
22 The largest state in the USA is also the most forgotten ; Alaska has long nurtured a reputation of massive icy plateaux and frozen lakes , but on closer inspection a surprising setting of national parks , waterfalls , fjords , forests and glaciers emerges , vying for the attention of the eye in one great sweeping vista of icy magnificence .
23 The Galleria is also the location of a SIP office for those wanting to make telephone calls .
24 The EC is now the major market for Scotch Whisky , taking 39% of all exports .
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