Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [is] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 The Ben is quite a different place in winter , equally as magnificent , but free from Pac-o-macs , folding aluminium chairs , and people who want to know who Benjamin Nevis was and why the mountain is named after him .
2 This is the stuff of the typical three-volume Victorian novel , in which the Reading of the Will is always a magnificent set piece .
3 With the exception of the Irish Republic , each of the Member States of the EEC is also a member of Nato , as are the United States , Canada , Iceland , Norway and Turkey .
4 Britain is quite simply outnumbered in her view that the EEC is essentially a trading venture .
5 Although The Temple is essentially a private dialogue between the soul and God , Herbert was aware of its potential influence on those who might read it :
6 But players are also getting used to cutaway acoustics with the whole fingerboard available to play around with , so the Bluebird is really a way of bringing all these factors together in one instrument . ’
7 Moreover , the presence of an image of the ‘ Great Goddess ’ on the Black Stone in the Kaaba is certainly a myth .
8 The RMI is simply a heading indicator combined with 2 bearing indicators .
9 The Vester is still a good find ; I 'd keep that !
10 John Maddox , the editor of Nature , wrote in 1982 : ‘ The OED is uniquely a data base … , which will suggest to many that it should by now be stored on a long reel of magnetic tape , floppy disks , or some other means of data storage .
11 The Tatry is just a little further off the High Street , situated on a wooded hillside overlooking Zakopane .
12 It is not clear to what extent the Securitate is now a ‘ state within the state ’ and to what extent it is directly answerable to President Ceausescu , but it is odd that the service 's worst excesses have occurred when the head of state is on an official trip abroad , in this case to Iran .
13 For the first time since the 1950s the UK is now a net exporter of television sets .
14 Despite the rise in UK tax burden , and contrary to popular public opinion , the UK is only a middle-ranked country in terms of tax burden .
15 The Andes is obviously a good place to go looking for an eruption of an andesite lava , but one would be extremely lucky to find one , because although there are numerous ‘ active ’ volcanoes along the Andean chain , andesite eruptions are really rather rare events compared to basaltic ones .
16 Hence , in this interpretation , the CAPM is merely a special case of the APT .
17 Setting such contentions assertions aside , it is evident that in terms of all the human and material resources it contains , the Pacific is indeed a remarkable prize .
18 The Rasakumbha is thus a container of the life force — bioenergy or the ‘ serpent power ’ .
19 Although it has no normal control over policy the JCC is clearly an influential body with considerable support from both central and local government .
20 Reading the data from the ADC is then a relatively simple matter of executing a port input instruction ( this has the form IN A , ( port ) where port is the address of the ADC .
21 The WordCard is just a credit card-size phonetic spellchecker .
22 The Safrane is also a car that meets its rivals head on , even though there are areas in which we , certainly , were hoping for more .
23 I reckon , however , that a barbel is a specimen when it weighs more than 7lb , though a 7lb barbel from the Severn is obviously a more rewarding catch than one of the same weight from the Hampshire Avon or Dorset Stour where the average weight is higher .
24 Lesser known than the Bradenham , the Suffolk is also a sweet ham which is lightly smoked .
25 The report concluded that the Soviet Union and not the NKLP connoted the reality of power — ‘ The NKLP is merely an instrument of Soviet control over the northern half of the peninsula . ’
26 The South Hams is now known as the South Devon ; the Cornish and Sheeted Somerset have vanished , and the Gloucester is now a rare breed .
27 John never again tried to revive the ballet or rework it , but elements from it reappeared later , for instance in Jeu de Cartes , where the Joker is clearly a cousin of his Devil .
28 The fact that it can be run as a TSR is also a big plus
29 In this case , the stylistic promiscuity of an Ian Pollard or a Nash is simply an exceptionally accurate reflection of their culture .
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