Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [is] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Pentagon is still accused of organising attempts to construct ‘ military coalitions of the littoral states of the Indian Ocean ’ in place of the demilitarisation of this region .
2 The Amstel is totally geared toward the top end of the market .
3 As one might expect the RAF is well represented in its 75th anniversary year .
4 The RAF is well equipped for such a role after taking part in food drops in Ethiopia and northern Iraq .
5 The present Church of Ireland Church of the Ascension is probably built very near , but not actually on , the pre-Reformation site .
6 The Shedd is widely regarded as the most advanced oceanarium in the world .
7 The work in the Netherlands is therefore considered here with that of the Germanic Baltic group with which it has much in common .
8 Mares and foals can be seen until the end of July ; the stallions are viewed and the routine of the Stud is fully explained .
9 This is followed by a tour of the National Stud ; Mares and foals can be seen until the end of July ; the stallions are viewed and the routine of the Stud is fully explained before returning to the museum at approximately 1600 .
10 It is the only budget in which the SSA is exactly matched by what is spent .
11 Agriculture in the Auvergne is also dominated by livestock rearing , although with much more emphasis on dairy cattle for milk and cheese production .
12 The levy in mass against the Gauls is still mentioned in the charter granted to the " colonia Genetiva Julia " in Spain in 44 B.C. , when it was presumably a simple piece of antiquarianism , if it did not allude to Caesar 's recent wars .
13 Half a mile from the village , just across the road from its own beach , and with magnificent views across the bay , the Rozos is beautifully placed .
14 Shorthorns and Highlands also helped in the nineteenth-century improvements , and today the Salers is often crossed with the Charolais .
15 The LDDC is sometimes cited as a success story because it has attracted in so much private investment .
16 Much of the GSB is subsequently allocated for the funding of schools within an authority in accordance with the principles of formula funding explained in Chapter 1 .
17 The TEC is well equipped to achieve precisely those aims and that is something which we very much hope to see .
18 When the ER is fully charged , entry is prevented , but as soon as InsP 3 drains calcium out of these stores , the influx of calcium switches on automatically .
19 O'Leary , for example , has argued that the abolition of the GLC is best understood as an act of ‘ policy folly ’ .
20 With a very vigilant peace movement reflecting a wide spectrum of opinion , the existence of the SDF is publicly justified less by its military role and more by its value for disaster relief .
21 The McDermott 's also called on the police to look at the possibility of re-examining the case now that DNA testing is possible .
22 In the General Prologue the Reeve is thus described : and : and the Host responds to the serious reflections of the Reeve 's Prologue accordingly : But the Host too has appropriated a character , as judge and ruler of the tale-telling game , that takes him beyond the predictable attributes of his normal station in life : while in the fiction of the Tales , the Miller has just been attributed with the strengths of the court poet Chaucer as a narrator .
23 The NFU is well known for representing farmers , and it 's necessary for the BHA to be easily understood as representing the hospitality industry in all its forms , ’ he said .
24 The CCD is actually composed of thousands of light sensitive elements ( pixels ) laid out in a grid pattern — 1,542 horizontally by 1,012 vertically .
25 Does not the Secretary of State understand that it is precisely because the TGWU is so committed to effective training and the future expansion of British industry that it is not prepared to give credence to the Government 's sham arrangements ?
26 In value for money ( VFM ) terms if the only financial objective is the achievement of ‘ economy ’ then the NHS is well served by the present departmental system of budgeting .
27 Currently , the NHS is much criticised because it does not have a comprehensive inventory of its fixed assets .
28 The evidence that contracting is an efficient mechanism in the NHS is still limited .
29 The USSR is also bound to remain a society where penalties for error will outweigh the rewards for well judged gambles .
30 As their relationship to the USSR is well known , the armed forces tend to attract the more pro-Soviet elements of the population .
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