Example sentences of "[art] [adv] i [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Alas , although I can read it , the nearest I get to delivering any coherent message is a faded ‘ Share the world ’ T-shirt with tigers on it , and trousers which certainly look recycled .
2 In fact , my dogs eat the supermarket 's own brand and I seldom change my car ; paying double for my dinner is the nearest I get to it , to being Imelda , or Ivana , but it makes me feel good .
3 My new fedora and Hamlet cigar accessories , more fitting to a winning manager than my old tartan pom-pom cap and ounce of Old Holborn , made me unrecognisable to most of the supporters and the nearest I received to a compliment came from a director who suggested I ‘ stick a faggot up my backside and clear off ’ .
4 The nearest I came to fishing was as number three in a racing four on the grubby River Tees , when I joined the Tees Amateur Rowing Club .
5 The more I think about it , the more I veer to the conclusion that it was all a fantasy .
6 Larry Finlay said that he had changed his mind recently on the subject : ‘ the more I speak to booksellers , the more I hear that catalogues are used ’ .
7 The girl sounded worse the more I listened to her .
8 ‘ In fact , the more I talked to him the more I felt he was not being detached about what he was saying and certainly not professional . ’
9 The swathing sweep of the Butt of Lewis lighthouse faded the nearer I got to the Port .
10 The nearer I got to it , the deeper it looked .
11 The more I thought about her , the nearer I got to beating off about her now .
12 The closest I came to anything clinical was watching a nurse shave the chest of a Lebanese businessman , so that she could attach the electrodes required for an ECG — I held the kidney dish into which the used razor was deposited .
13 The closer I get to completion the more I dread it , he wrote .
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