Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] do [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 to other things , we 've kind of veered of the , one of the subjects that we were er , we did get onto which was how the police and the courts er handle er well victims and indeed criminals , I wonder if I might conflate erm both those groups into one question , its a very broad question , but I wonder if you think by and large the police do a good job , erm button one for yes and button two for no , erm and the majority here say yes , seventy seventy people say yes the , the police do a good job and since we 've talked about the courts do you think the courts do a good job by and large ? , we 've been talking specifically about erm some of the more bizarre erm statements that have come from the bench , particularly in with reference to crimes erm , that have treated against women , well now , seventy nine say no , so the police comes thumbs up , but the courts are way down , now not surprisingly there are n't many representatives from the courts er amongst this hundred
2 The birds do you see .
3 Mrs Bottomley , 44 , has been dubbed variously ‘ the milkmaid ’ and ‘ golden Virginia ’ , but the epithets do nothing to promote her cleverness and political acumen — she coined the jibe ‘ scaring not caring ’ on Labour 's health pronouncements .
4 The undergrowth , rhododendrons , brambles everything , had grown through the branches do you see .
5 Mum , I 'm going to the shops do you want anything ?
6 and she said how many the hankies do they use
7 ‘ Here the directors do everything to try and keep them away . ’
8 What sort of vegetables really caught the eyes of the judges do you think ?
9 And they used to Two men on the shore loading , course there was men counting the slates do you see .
10 Must be the oranges do you think ? tipped out of your .
11 And why I went there to buy them , was because it was the same climate as , and the trees , there was no setback in the plants do you see , they were starting growing straight off cos they 'd been , was the same climate .
12 And due to them taking a lot of the trees do you see , from there , and opened the wind in do you see .
13 Well the advisors do nothing do they ?
14 And when you actually go and draw the arms do you produce your card then ?
15 Look famous famous founders , pioneers Africa for east or west I think it 'd be there today the muses do you know what that says ?
16 sine and you do n't need to put press the equals do you do it 's nought point six four two .
17 When taking the medicines do I have to change my diet , give up smoking and/or drinking ?
18 Oh , what would be the consequences do you think of this , prediction ?
19 It was all rocky and the oak well likes the rocks do you see , and they were doing better .
20 And under no circumstances do you tell him about any assets we have in place in Lebanon .
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