Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] will have [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The vendors will have their own requirements , which will often conflict with those of the managers and Newco , so compromise is often necessary .
2 Now the professionals will have their chance .
3 The children will have their tea and be entertained during the banquet , prior to which the adults can enjoy the music of Peebles Pipe Band , thus creating a setting for what we hope will be a truly enjoyable and memorable evening .
4 Thinking about the dilemma captured in simalakama legend , Mr Suharto has clearly decided that , if he has to make a choice between wooing the Muslims and placating the West over the Gulf , the Muslims will have his full attention .
5 Again lateral deposition will occur , but this time the sediments will have their diachroneity rather better disguised than that of the near-shore deposits .
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