Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that [vb base] take " in BNC.

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1 The fragments that remain take the form of the ceremony of the Churching of Women after childbirth , that is , that after forty days of confinement , the woman goes to church for a ritual to mark her return to the community .
2 The technology for monitoring absenteeism is there for the companies that want to take control of what can be a major expense and loss of competitive edge .
3 It is hardly surprising that the studies that have taken account of the social class background of white and black pupils tend to reveal that the dramatic differences produced by simple comparisons tend to diminish , often considerably ( Bagley et al . ,
4 However the changes that have taken place in society in recent decades , resulting in the rapid growth of youth unemployment , have also resulted in a greatly reduced importance of certification at 16+ for selection purposes .
5 To anyone familiar with the writings of authors such as Gummer , who are critical of the changes that have taken place in post-war Britain , the characteristics he highlights will be similarly familiar .
6 With all the changes that have taken place in Abbey National since its historic conversion to plc two years ago , Vos is convinced that customers will have noticed an improvement in the quality of service .
7 We , therefore , provide an outline of the Queen 's Bench Division procedure , indicating the changes that have taken place and specific recommendations for change made by the Review .
8 This chapter looks at the existing pattern of UK taxation and the changes that have taken place in recent years .
9 It will cover the changes that have taken place in assessment since the original version was first published in 1988 .
10 Although I recognise that for obvious reasons the Secretary of State will not want to be locked or painted into a figure of 512 as the maximum , which is what it would be , will he tell the House whether , in the light of last week 's discussions with President Yeltsin and the changes that have taken place since Christmas , the Government are now considering the minimum deterrent to be somewhat lower than they had previously considered it necessary to be ?
11 I hope that the hon. Lady will recognise the changes that have taken place .
12 When my right hon. Friend is making arrangements for his business in the second week in April , will he please include a visit to Edgware general hospital , where he will find patients , members of staff and doctors highly satisfied with the changes that have taken place in the national health service ?
13 As I have said , we have seen enormous changes , but I advise my right hon. Friends on the Treasury Bench and all hon. Members who will continue to serve in Parliament in the coming years that the changes that have taken place in those countries in the past few years could well be repeated on an enormous scale in other countries .
14 That is the reason why I have accepted the changes that have taken place .
15 The research is concerned with the changes that have taken place in the engineering profession since the Finniston Report and particularly after the appointment of the new Engineering Council .
16 It is focusing on the changes that have taken place both in the relationship between the profession and the government and in the internal organisation and politics of the professional institutions .
17 Colette McAuley , senior social worker at Loughside Unit of Management , said the aim of the conference was to inform people of the changes that have taken place since the 1989 Children 's Act was introduced in Britain and to discuss the implications of the draft Children ( NI ) Order .
18 Table 1.2 shows the changes that have taken place in the period since 1961 .
19 Let's have a look more closely at some of the changes that have taken place in the past few decades .
20 Tell me , what are the changes that have taken place in the University over the past few years ?
21 The developments that have taken place in the rural housing market illustrate vividly the paradoxical nature of contemporary changes in village life .
22 The developments that have taken place led to my right hon. Friend the Minister of State expressing the Government 's worry to the Indonesian ambassador on 13 November .
23 However Rustin argues that the developments that have taken place in the public sector owe much more to conscious political choice : " Thatcherism may be understood as a strategy of post-Fordism from the perspectives of the right " ( Rustin 1989 : 75 ) .
24 On jobs , he predicted an end to the cuts that have taken Wimpey 's UK workforce down 30 per cent to under 11,000 in three years .
25 I am pleased with the improvements evident from the negotiations that have taken place .
26 Such conceptions , however , persistently disregard one of the principal elements in political life , namely , the struggles that have taken place , and still take place , precisely over the ‘ legitimacy ’ of any established system of political power , and over the exclusion of some members of society — frequently a majority of the population — from any effective participation in the determination of collective goals ( which are often in fact , as Marx observed , representations of an illusory , spurious ‘ general interest ’ ) , whether by a restriction of political rights ( for example , the right to vote ) , by coercion or by ideological manipulation .
27 the nature , quality , and style of the conversations that do take place , and
28 To test this , we marked the boundaries of the exposed mesenchyme immediately after wounding by applying spots of the lipophilic dye DiI , which , once incorporated , remains confined to the cells that have taken it up .
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