Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] in [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since 1990 the Bank of England has dropped the term ‘ monetary sector ’ preferring to refer to the institutions in it as ‘ UK banks ’ .
2 Materials of this kind , and strategies to deal neatly with their storage , are typical of many ordinary well-equipped classrooms , but it is the emphasis on the visually handicapped child 's special need to learn to master the environment and locate and use the objects in it without too much difficulty that warrants attention .
3 Weber was a student of social organisations and was interested in how organisations could direct the individuals in them towards given objectives .
4 Reading the report , it is clear that many of the ideas in it about people 's perception of risks are his .
5 Lifelong friend Stan Cardwell said that when youth hostels were first set up in 1930s , Mr Lear helped form a Darlington branch and often used the hostels in his cross country expeditions .
6 He said he and his wife paid 30,000 roubles as bribes to get a bag with the grenades in it through security at the airport at the Siberian oil capital of Tyumen .
7 In general , however , despite the fact that anachronisms do exist in the published text of the Kanunname , there seems to be good reason for supposing the provisions in it concerning the learned hierarchy to be basically genuine .
8 Thus if it is held that really we are substances ( Descartes ) , then , it would seem , it must also be held that all we can be aware of in perception are modifications of ourselves , which are , at most , the representations in us of modifications of other substances .
9 Rebecca was sifting restlessly through some of the papers in her in tray , and he went over to her .
10 oh yeah oh but , yeah , but , this is gon na be done mostly on the streets in it for us ? , so what they gon na learn about that ? do n't remember when thingy
11 But one of the complaints that I was very bitter about was at that time I cycled to my work and they had paving stones in the bakery with the slits in them for to keep bikes .
12 So a survey of an area such as a city might raise genuine problems of getting about to see people , and cluster sampling might sample a number of polling districts and concentrate the interviews in them to the complete exclusion of all the other polling districts .
13 There 're no additives in them at all .
14 There are no breaks in it in the sense of special divine interventions ; and while every event is in its own way particular , individual and unique , none is qualitatively of a wholly different kind from all others .
15 But it 's easier if there are no numbers in it at all , if it 's all letters .
16 My idea of a perfect school , Miss Honey , is one that has no children in it at all .
17 It 's as flat as any , any , you know there 's no , no irregularities in it at all
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