Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] and [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 He did not have the skills and when he tried to imitate them , as he did in pushing the WIN program , all he could offer was a parody of leadership . ’
2 ‘ One member of my crew was hit between the legs and although he got ashore and was able to walk he was a very worried man until the M.O .
3 She had said that , in the circumstances and since he could do nothing but mumble , she would probably kill herself .
4 And er wash the cups and And he used to have to go running er down with messages down to or down to the head office rather that we had an office in where where our fitting shop was where there was a draughtsman 's office .
5 He realized that we felt disgusted at what had been achieved in the commandos and that he had had this brainwave of small parties behind the lines . ’
6 Then they went back to camp and the only person there was Miguel the interpreter , who 'd been having a long conversation with one of the Indians and when he turned round all the other Indians had scarpered .
7 ‘ The trial lasted six days and in his summing up , the judge said that it was too difficult to determine the age of the dogs and that he did not believe a breeder would know her own stock — so basically the ‘ coincidence ’ was too strong .
8 Mr Hull made it clear that he did not know very much about the paintings and that he was not an expert in them .
9 It was Martin who took the reins and as he cried , ‘ Gee-up ! you there , you flibbertigibbet ! ’ the horse , as if recognising the voice , tossed its head and went off at a spanking pace down the road , and as they laughed , Harry said , ‘ Would you believe it !
10 ‘ Oi Blake , ’ said the man in front of the lovers and as he turned , Marcus saw FUCK THE POLL TAX tattooed on his throat .
11 She recognised that her son had not always been as attentive as expected towards his wife or the children and that he spent too much time with friends like Camilla Parker-Bowles .
12 He said cos I used to keep the house tidy he said I 've been the in the army June an he said I can I can run a household he said but we and then working the shifts I do he said and go up the horses and that he said I just do n't get time to do it !
13 The wife stated that she had succumbed to undue pressure from her husband to sign the documents and that he had misrepresented their effect , in that she had believed that the security was limited to £60,000 and would last for only three weeks .
14 He wanted to know when his name would be in the papers and if he could meet anyone famous .
15 You can see that he did approach the premises and that he did approach the complainant . ’
16 We told the child that there was a chocolate in one of the boxes and that he had to point to one of them — guessing of course — to tell the experimenter where to look for the chocolate .
17 He then retired to a small property near Ryde on the Isle of Wight , where he spent his later years carrying out improvements to the grounds and where he died 14 February 1853 .
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