Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If such a possibility is likely to arise , then the analysis of the actual forms must be confined to one person who will act in complete confidence , destroying the forms as soon as his analysis is complete and there has been adequate discussion of the data ; or preferably , an outside person should be invited to undertake the task .
2 The club has more than two hundred stewards to control the crowds as well as search the ground before anyone gets through the turnstiles .
3 In the long-term it is one 's capacity to make open and honest relationships , outside the Fellowships as well as within , that makes the real difference to the quality of life and recovery .
4 Raw flint from the mines as well as finished artefacts were analysed , mainly hoards of flint axeheads found far from the mines , and there were some unexpected results ( fig. 6.5 ) .
5 The corollary for the trainer is to look for patterns which exist in complex material and introduce the trainee to the patterns as well as to the separate facts .
6 Oh , I can read the signs as well as anyone , ’ Dora went on in a sudden surge of indignation as Melissa 's eyebrows lifted .
7 ‘ Furtherance ’ was to be tested objectively by the courts as well as subjectively by reference to the defendants ' intentions .
8 They are subject to several common law rules evolved by the courts as well as to certain recent pieces of legislation .
9 It would seem to be middle sized undertaking , since the very large business will employ personnel managers and legal experts who need no introduction to the subject , while the smaller operator ( the book quotes the average number of goods vehicles per operator 's licence as no more than three trucks ) is normally too concerned with driving by the seat of his pants while looking over his shoulder at legal requirements ( one may envisage ! ) to worry unduly about the skills of communication or the restrictions on picketing flowing from decisions of the courts as well as statute in the event of a major dispute .
10 3.3 The Tenant shall as soon as practicable after the date of this agreement at its own expense prepare the Plans and submit them to the Landlord for approval [ such approval not to be unreasonably withheld [ or delayed ] ] The landlord 's approval of the plans should not be unreasonably withheld or delayed and it would be advisable for the tenant to commence the preparation of the plans as soon as it may be practicable in order to avoid subsequent delay .
11 They need clothes for the prisoners as well as paper , pens , paint , in fact anything that we might find to be surplus in this country they could use , ’ he said .
12 An art historian may choose to elucidate the social context of the art , or trace its sources in the work of other artists ; these choices will be reflected in the illustrations as well as the text , while sketches , other versions of pictures and related material will be available for the reader to make comparisons .
13 A meeting of EC foreign ministers on May 10th added its voice , politely requesting all relevant parties — the Russians as well as the Americans — to contribute to the UN operation on the ground .
14 The large German presence in Iran at once became a hostile force to the Russians as well as to the British .
15 Was he counting the hours as well as the days .
16 They raise questions about the reasons as well as about the quality of such consultations .
17 She has all the skills as well as the attitudes that her police training gave her .
18 If Britain is to be saved from the disaster of Mr Major 's own making , it is the policies as well as the men who will have to go .
19 Left : Riven paving forms both the patio and the wide simple step up to it , while walling blocks are used for the risers as well as the support to the enclosing balustrading in this tiny hide-away garden built with traditional materials
20 Oh while I 'm at it , might as well dish out the agendas as well since we 've already started .
21 As for the drive towards egoism by withdrawing from emotional awareness , in competitive conditions it appears reasonable to detach oneself from the joys as well as the troubles of others , on the calculation that love or trust is likely to be betrayed , and any generous action may be utilized against oneself .
22 It is not easy to achieve this effect if they do not take into account the dimension and spacing of the steps as well as their particular quality , which must be in tune with the music if it is to make sense .
23 Well he 's probably seen the pictures as well but
24 So whenever you are shooting action sequences like this one , make use of them as a means of smoothing the flow of the pictures as well as providing additional visual interest .
25 The central square , and its decoration , were absent when the mosaic was uncovered , but the borders as well as the kind and placement of motif in this work alone suggest affinities with the mosaics from North Hill and insula 34 , Colchester .
26 It is always necessary for the therapist to emphasize the strengths as well as the weakness of individual family members and of the family as a whole .
27 In the face of royal financial demands he had to bear in mind the interests of the clergy as well as his duty to the king , and he was subject to some pressure from the Pope to urge the king to pay heed to papal diplomatic overtures aimed at bringing an end to the war .
28 Some serious steps had been taken towards that outburst of anticlericalism and , in particular , antipapalism which marked the later fourteenth century : suspicions had been raised about the church 's landed wealth and envy of it had been fanned ; resentment against the papacy — by the clergy as well as by the laity — was growing ; above all parliament was providing an assembly where hostility could be orchestrated , diffused and preserved .
29 Some of the tree remedies , however , are prepared from flowering sprigs which include the twigs as well as the flowers and these are placed in fresh water , brought to the boil , simmered for an hour , cooled and strained .
30 We will write the songs as soon as we can sort out our other commitments .
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