Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] of [noun sg] so " in BNC.

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1 The swings of attitude so clear in the historical analysis of deafness had once again created a climate of opinion where the predominance of one methodology could be questioned .
2 Although such an incestuous fixation usually means genital inhibition for the individual in adult life , resulting either in perversion or neurosis or both and invariably in some unhappiness , incest in itself does not threaten the foundations of culture so much as the consequent erotic and aggressive antagonism to which it gives rise .
3 Are the foundations of faith so shaky that nothing of any weight can be built on them ?
4 In the illustrations of projection so far I have suggested that broadly speaking there are two kinds : ( 1 ) where the participants are allowed to be passive observers becoming more actively engaged as and when they wish , and ( 2 ) where from the beginning the participants are required to do something .
5 That the Board be authorised to exercise the power contained in Article 134 of the Articles of Association so that , to the extent and manner determined by the Board , the holders of ordinary shares in the capital of the Company be permitted to elect to receive ordinary shares , credited as fully paid , instead of cash in respect of all or part of any interim or the final dividend relating to the year ending on 31 December 1993 , such authority to expire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 1994 .
6 As Herbert Marcuse once said ‘ If the needs of science so perfectly match those of the Pentagon …
7 He added that this order would leave it open to the Press to deal with the questions of principle so far as they did not apply them to the facts .
8 For " the modern Whigs … make the bonds of allegiance so uncertain , press the people so hard to resistance , and pass so lightly over the doctrine of obedience , that they seem to make … the exception the rule " .
9 Because of these perceptions , many of the sources of confidence so completely associated with the monarchy — from its role in European affairs to its architecture — came to an end when Mary reigned ; it was left to others to give a lead .
10 And she used to tell me about her burying it with her father you see , the sacks of malt so that he did n't find it .
11 After the initial primitive stage certain members of society gain control over the forces of production so permitting a minority to exploit the majority : under slavery the slave-owner exploits the slaves ; under feudalism the landlords exploit the serfs ; and under capitalism the bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat .
12 I was actually astonished to find Mill making exactly this argument against another proposal in erm a later chapter because he considers a possibility and some people have put forward the view apparently , I have n't heard of this , erm in the version that Mill discusses , that the two stage action where we vote for people who then go to vote for the members of parliament so the individual people do n't vote directly for members of parliament but they vote for people who then have elections an election among themselves .
13 What is needed is a change in the processes of decision-making so that policies are informed from below by the people involved , who are the only ones who really know what life there is like and what people really want and are able to do .
14 But it still leaves us with the crucial problem that Sartre had to solve , namely how to link human consciousness with the processes of history so that the former can be said to be the agent of the latter .
15 In a number of provisions the 1977 Protocols seek to restate the principles of the laws of war so as to make as clear as possible the unacceptability of ‘ total war ’ .
16 This may help to explain , even if it does not wholly excuse , the extraordinary silence of the laws of war so far as nuclear weapons are concerned .
17 The amounts of material so far available have been insufficient for full chemical characterisation but we have tentatively identified them as corresponding to G34 and G17 extended through the C-terminus to include the C-terminal fragment of progastrin .
18 France is in the depths of recession so the Burghers of Calais love this influx of free spending English shoppers .
19 It appears to broaden the categories of non-consent so that , for example , fraud is not merely confined to fraud as to the nature of the act or husband impersonation , as it is at English common law .
20 It remains unclear whether the types of vessel so commonly found in cremation cemeteries were also used domestically ; the evidence of the settlement of West Stow where stamped vessels of a type found in cremation cemeteries were present amongst other rubbish and which may have been made there , is ambiguous .
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