Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [that] made [art] " in BNC.

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1 The transformations that made the 740 into the 940 — a more rounded rump with a bigger boot , a more modern , 960-like facia , bigger brakes and more front headroom — are all worthwhile , and the 940 SE Turbo is solid , well built , generously equipped and decently rapid .
2 The boy shook one of the branches that made the framework of the hide .
3 Yet all that feeling , all that energy , discharged itself into the void so long as it did not flow down one of the channels that made the great wheels turn — in Edinburgh , in London and Paris .
4 ‘ In all discernible morphological features , the feet of the individuals that made the trails are indistinguishable from those of modern humans , ’ Tuttle declared .
5 His enormous hands dwarfed the elegant menu which he was studying in apparent disbelief , and Peter Yeo noticed again , as Barton without rising extended one massive paw , that though the fingers were an ordinary length it was the width of the palms that made the hands so large .
6 Listen again to the hits that made the headlines — 112 memory-packed tracks in one electrifying Collection !
7 The gait of the creatures that made the four sets of trails has been described in detail , two weeks ago , at a conference in Berkeley , California .
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