Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [vb mod] [vb infin] us " in BNC.

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1 Simply from examining the bones the experts can tell us that she suffered from childhood illness and spent a lot of her life sitting on her heels using her left hand , perhaps grinding corn .
2 I could beat him on my bicycle ; if it was daytime the asscarts would overtake us , she thought .
3 The increased use of gas to produce elect electricity will result in faster exhaustion of our resources while the subsequent closure of the mines will deny us access to hundreds of years of our richest and greatest energy reserves .
4 The Lions would provide us with signs and men to act as car park attendants .
5 The Russians will expect us to use our agents . ’
6 ‘ It 's as much as we know , or as much as the Russians will tell us . ’
7 You may ask ‘ but surely the minutes will tell us what went on ? ’ , and up to a point they do — in the formal sense .
8 He was a man of considerable literary taste ( I must report , in all modesty , that he subscribed to the Informer and never missed these ‘ jottings ’ ) who died , so the authorities would have us believe , by falling into an empty swimming-pool when drunk on hard-to-come-by malt whisky .
9 The humiliations may show us the strength of the opposition which the world , temporal and spiritual , sets up against him , but they promise too the kind of imaginative and moral strength which will raise him about it .
10 We 're over Maple White Land , the dinosaurs will rip us to bits . ’
11 Initially there was a fear that the books would overwhelm us and our building this year , but murray Burns , the Church Treasurer , who had devoted his holiday Monday to helping us , assured us that we would overcome – and went back to his office .
12 We went along with to investigate armed with a pile of Fun Fortnight T-shirts to see if the youngsters could make us laugh .
13 We went along with to investigate armed with a pile of Fun Fortnight T-shirts to see if the youngsters could make us laugh .
14 We went along with to investigate armed with a pile of Fun Fortnight T-shirts to see if the youngsters could make us laugh .
15 The prototypes will enable us to evaluate how the public receives multimedia systems and whether they bring the cultural advantages we 're seeking , ’ said LeCoz .
16 ‘ Yeah , the rats 'd thank us for getting rid of a human , ’ he went on .
17 As a peasant from the Kursk guberniia put it in 1922 : ‘ We are not for priests nor for the church , but if only the Comrades would give us a little of what they promise : they promise a school and Socialism , but our hands are still as empty as ever . ’
18 We 've got a two hundred and thirty million pound gap to make up and just to put this into some sort of context , the fares will give us slightly less than fifty million .
19 Anyway , life must go on or the terrorists will terrorise us into changed patterns of living , bastards that they are .
20 ‘ It is n't far , and the Giffens will give us tea .
21 Pop would go out in the morning scouring the countryside for meat and vegetables , and sometimes having to dive into a culvert if there was a raid ; meanwhile the officers would shepherd us into trenches and play games until the raid was over .
22 And I would like to ask you , er er and the rest of the committee of who , whatever we can do , and that the officers should advise us what we can do , to make a further submission .
23 If the officers could tell us that why did n't they tell the controlling labour group , I 'm sure they did and then the question is why did n't you listen to them .
24 ‘ Well , so the stories would have us believe . ’
25 The question whether a capacity for error reflects our divine intelligence or is , as the theologians would have us believe , an invention of the flesh and the Devil is by no means a trivial issue of medieval scholasticism .
26 ‘ We still have some trade space available and anyone wishing to be present at the championships should contact us at 0232 370222 . ’
27 The fact that the changes will give us a stronger , better Bank and a better place in which to work does n't make their impact any easier to bear .
28 ‘ The reason the auditors will give us trouble , Mike , is that they have to certify that our accounts give a true and fair account of the financial state of the business .
29 The Sergeants would take us for training sessions and escort us over to our meals , but it was the Corporals who governed our lives .
30 Until a few years ago this was deadly serious stuff : ‘ The Americans would ram us if we came close — they knew it took us longer to get repaired . ’
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