Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [vb past] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The experts concluded that of the diamonds which were not recovered , some could have disintegrated and others would have become embedded in molten metal .
2 Unfortunately , when one of the climbers became stuck in the ‘ MOUNTAINEERING ’ section the rest had to rescue him and the search was abandoned .
3 She did not provide him with wine , to be sure , but he took it in the caffè he frequented , a caffè where politics were argued over far into the night and the arguers fell asleep at the table .
4 So the Scouts sat deep in that cellar amidst the jumbled dusty lava-carved genealogy of the Sagramosos .
5 Instead , she writes of those ordinary people who make the miracle , and often suffer in the process : the sarariman painfully climbing the corporate ladder ; the schoolchildren taught to prefer homework to sleep ; the housewives left alone with their drudgery .
6 The discussions got stuck on the question whether agreements reached at these meetings should remain purely informal or should be translated into Euro-directives .
7 Scotland have offered some assistance in the Canadians ' injury crisis , physiotherapist Colin Elliot will be available to them , but it seems the Canadians stopped short of asking Scotland whether they could borrow their spare player — Stark — for the Fiji tournament , for which Canadian captain Julian Loveday has joined David Lougheed as an invalid .
8 Moreover the moles dug hundreds of tunnels under their line of march .
9 Control in such instances was facilitated by the statute containing criteria which the courts felt capable of construing .
10 In typical Delhi fashion the two traditions merged , and the hijras became subject to a very Indian compromise .
11 Fardine waved his arms and the birds rose high into the air ; at the cry of ‘ Aao !
12 You will probably be aware already that the houses numbered 7 to 16 in Woodhall Terrace have been put into Band G for the purpose of assessing the Council Tax , and that for Edinburgh District this means a tax of £1,217 per year — a very big increase on a two-person poll tax for 1992 .
13 Flood prevention work has just been completed , and the houses stayed dry through the wettest October on record .
14 The little clearing in the heart of the woods looked different at night .
15 After the Dubai 1986 Olympics when England were unlucky not to win against a full-strength USSR , it seemed that gold would be there once the Russians had another off day .
16 During all this time Blake was passing back to Moscow full details of his work , including Operation Gold , so the Russians knew all about the plan two years before the tunnel was actually finished .
17 The groups contained some of the most talented , creative , experienced and successful people in UK marketing and public relations .
18 All the groups faced one of two basic choices : either the loan carried much higher APR as the repayment period grew longer ; or it carried much lower APR as the repayment period grew longer .
19 Increasingly , the authorities became concerned about the adverse effects of this trend and viewed it in a dimmer light .
20 Early in 1909 she was imprisoned in Holloway , but rapidly released when the authorities became aware of her powerful connections .
21 The authorities became worried about the threat to public order and decided at last to act against both fascist paramilitary provocation and anti-fascist counter-violence , a decision influenced by deputations to the Home Secretary from the London Labour party and the Manchester watch committee .
22 The split in the RSDLP ( into the Bolshevik majority and Menshevik minority ) meant that some of the Mensheviks became influential among these parties ( particularly in the Georgian and Jewish parties ) .
23 The factory 's built over a quarry ; the builders used thousands of tons of in-fill .
24 The employers saw this as an opportunity to ensure the complete destruction of trade unionism and , between 1877 and 1922 , set out to achieve this aim .
25 The animals seemed healthy during the experiment .
26 By the late 19th century many northern populations were decimated ; the survivors lived half-starved in squalor and disease , unable to continue their traditional lifestyles but without viable alternatives .
27 Nevertheless , the schools remained conscious of their semi-independent-past , of the closeness of their cultural alliance with the Public Schools , and ( in consequence ) attentive to traditional and ceremonious standards and to the preservation of an austerely academic curriculum .
28 The schools appeared unaware of the county inservice programme run in support of the Major Project , and were , presumably , not advised of these conferences .
29 We moved through the town and up a hilly field covered with vines before we entered a forest where the branches grew close above the path .
30 The eyes had sunken in and the skull was showing through the thinning hair of the pate .
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