Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [adv] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Then there are the rules about time and penalties .
2 The animals i.e. Jack and his hunters turn into cannibals now and Golding is increasingly achieving despair and suspense as he is well into Ralph 's mind .
3 White added that the recommendations arrived at today would go to the stewards tomorrow morning and they will decide where McCallen starts .
4 To many within the underground , and in the media 's eyes , in the years ahead Ferrier and Neville were to be the archetypal underground beautiful couple .
5 On top of that , the presence of these two will allow the full-backs more freedom and I expect to see Stuart Pearce getting forward in his old style .
6 In the myths both Tanko and keoi take the wildest risks to achieve their ends .
7 It looked a harsh decision for the Welshman was on his back after making a tackle on the Saints forward Harrison and Bishop seemed merely to blunder into his legs .
8 In the lowlands both farmers and environmentalists may combine to oppose development , but are often at loggerheads over the issue of access to farmland .
9 On the buzzer I rolled over quite a large flathead , but it missed , and that was a fish much bigger than the flatheads both Kate and Ben were catching with great rapidity on fish portions .
10 He knew , as well , that Tree Spirits cling tenaciously to their homes until those homes become untenable because of the Tree dying and drying and he thought that Miach 's spell must have been stronger than any of them had thought for it to draw the Spirits so filly and so firmly into the open .
11 The present interrelationship between control of the schools and the two alliances varies in each part of Ireland , though one should also bear in mind the additional underpinning of the alliances both North and South by one of the traditional values of bourgeois capitalism , private and selective schooling .
12 Prior to the launching of the raids both Iran and Syria had indicated that a Western hostage was about to be freed ( possibly Brian Keenan , a teacher with dual British-Irish nationality held since March 1986 — for his eventual release on Aug. 24 see p. 37668 ) .
13 And it also means er er obviously no classes , therefore no wages or salaries , no money , no banks just people and the material resources of the earth .
14 The week will feature various lunchtime workshops and speakers and in the evenings we are having entertainments , such as films , a women only meeting/disco and a lesbian and gay night at a local nightclub .
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