Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [conj] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 In the second quarter , Island will ship Island-branded versions of the products that will share text , data and graphics with its own Island Write , Draw & Paint and IslandPresents .
32 We must n't make buying things a substitute for developing the skills that will give us real and lasting confidence in ourselves .
33 The policies that he stands for — of high taxation and centralised control — are the policies that would drive this country to ruin .
34 A much more dramatic break with the current political tradition is required if progress is to be made in building support for the policies that could spring Britain 's underclass from its current position .
35 This study extends a methodology previously used by the researchers and will involve presenting to children of different ages a number of filmed sequences of encounters with strangers , varying context , type of approach etc .
36 He was interested in the hamlets and villages on the fringe of the deer country , the cottages and the farmhouses that might provide bases for dedicated stalkers .
37 Tomorrow 's products all boast both H&J and kerning , terms which reassure the cognoscenti but can deter or confuse the potential customer .
38 The softener will need to be connected to a waste and overflow pipe leading to the drains and will require its own electrical connection from a fused connection unit for the clock .
39 Labour says that although it would hand the opted-out schools back to the authorities that used to control them , it would protect them against discrimination .
40 Member for Dundee , East asked about the purpose of the meetings that will take place with the trade unions .
41 So far , we have discussed the taxes that would do least harm to the allocative efficiency of the economy .
42 Though a topic for voluble discourse , it was less of a threat to the contented than the taxes that would have reduced it .
43 Even FD Roosevelt , he reminds us , had to tell lies about his fiscal intentions in order to get elected ( it is a pity the Labour Party did not see the proofs of this book ) ; and the famous fiscal deficit of the US , ‘ though a topic of voluble discourse ’ , was ‘ less of a threat to the contented than the taxes that would have reduced it ’ .
44 This ignores the objects and would appear as :
45 Moving towards an open system needs a massive public education effort and public debate on the values that should underpin choice .
46 There is still , too , about the whole exercise , something of the ‘ Polo Syndrome ’ : a sense that , for all the subject reports , and statutory orders , and non-statutory guidance , there is nothing at the centre : no clear vision of the values that should lie at the heart of a national system of education .
47 However , obvious explanations are not always correct , and some studies carried out during the past couple of decades seem to suggest that , instead , we are born with an inherited knowledge of the signals that can indicate danger .
48 At the moment the world is too fragmented to deal with the crises that will emerge .
49 2.42 As regards the savings that would have been made by the deceased , Lord Reid thought that the widow and daughter would have had an interest in any capital that the deceased might have accumulated before his death , but he concluded that the widow might have died before her husband whereas the daughter would almost certainly have survived him .
50 From today 's disclosures , it would appear that the savings that would come from the setting up of a small number of large authorities will be less than was originally suggested .
51 Ipswich0 DON GOODMAN , the cup-tied striker almost forgotten during Sunderland 's run-up to the Cup final , scored two of the goals that should guarantee the team 's safety in the Second Division .
52 Rodrigo De Triano also figures in the entries and will take his chance if the ground stays as he likes it .
53 It is these cells in the tentacles that will sting you if you unluckily brush against a jellyfish when swimming .
54 Taken at its first test session at Michelin 's Clermont Ferrand test track , they show the car still under heavy disguise but revealing some of the characteristics that should give it a place among the great supercars .
55 ‘ But these are also the steps that will cause the greatest human pain and political risk .
56 Translating aims into specific objectives can assist in removing the confusions that can arise between intentions and practice , but beyond this the case for objectives is less certain ; in fact , it has been one of the most hotly debated innovations in teaching for some time .
57 There is little detailed exploration of the contradictions , and none of the ambivalences that might characterize the racism of their subjects ( for contrasting discussions see Cohen , 1988,1991 ) .
58 Perpetual spinach and carrots will tolerate growing close together , but any flowering plant wants elbow room if it is to develop a stem strong enough to support the branches that will spring from it .
59 The process will be contingent on existing regulation in the countries , the opportunities that may arise , and the strength of opposition to change .
60 Yet , the opportunities that can flow from education and training , can also be personally liberating .
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