Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The criticism that Elliott and Ebbutt make of this approach is three fold : values underlying judgements are not revealed ; the analysis is atomistic and ignores the inter-relationships among features of a school 's activities ; and areas are inevitably ignored .
2 to protect persons other than persons at work against risks to health or safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work ;
3 ‘ protecting persons other than persons at work against risks to health or safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work ’ ;
4 He might also , quite obviously , direct the activities of bishops throughout the Church , translate them and control them .
5 The value of professionality is that it focuses attention upon the activities of teachers in relation to pupils , each other and their organisations and it is thus a dynamic concept in opposition to the rather static ‘ characteristics ’ or ‘ descriptive ’ approach inherent in most studies of professionalism .
6 In addition to the activities of members on the floor of the House or in the parties , there has been an attempt to restore or increase the influence of the Commons by adopting new procedures , most of which involve the development of a new committee system .
7 The FO 's assessor will have a say in how the BAS spends its money and will report back to the Foreign secretary on how useful the BAS is as a political presence in the Antarctic and the south Atlantic , This move , which clearly follows from Britain 's determination to outface Argentina in the region , brings a new political backdrop to the activities of scientists in the Antarctic .
8 In Devon and Cornwall indeed there seems to have been a long tradition of piratical and privateering activity in addition to legitimate trade , which may well have laid the foundation for the activities of seamen from this part of the country in the Elizabethan age ( 63 , pp.159–60 ) .
9 Sure Style spokesman Andrew Lincoln said : ‘ We have acted quickly to carry out an initial investigation into the activities of personnel at our Middlesbrough branch one of 15 remote locations in the UK . ’
10 As we shall see in Chapter 11 on deviance , the activities of groups with fewer power resources are much more likely to be labelled as ‘ social problems ’ and be given greater publicity than are those of the more dominant social groups in society .
11 As will have been apparent from the discussion on pre-emptive rights , this borrowing by the stock markets of an expression ‘ equities ’ derived from the activities of Courts of Chancery has in turn been borrowed by the companies ' legislation in its definition of ‘ equity securities ’ and ‘ equity share capital . ’
12 The growth of intra-industry is deemed to require a considerable amount of Europeanisation of the activities of companies by merger and acquisition , and DFI .
13 He admits that there has been ‘ a degree of concern ’ within the RCN about the activities of nurses in clinical research .
14 It also proposed that there should be a national organisation to co-ordinate the activities of universities in validating public sector colleges ' degree courses .
15 Up to a point the tsarist police could control the activities of intellectuals within the confines of the empire , but silencing Herzen was beyond their powers .
16 Throughout the 1650s , extreme restrictions were placed upon the activities of individuals on Sundays ; a strict Puritan sabbath was imposed , and all working , sports , and non-essential travel were made illegal .
17 Will the right hon. Gentleman remind the House how much warning time he had of the conflict in the Gulf , how much warning he expects to have from the IRA before any outrage and how much warning he expects of the consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the activities of extremists like Mr. Le Pen in France ?
18 There is a need for some form of rapid internal signalling system so that the activities of cells in different parts of the same creature can be coordinated .
19 This indicated that PABA-UDCA disulphate is a single pass type substance in the gut and its oral administration test reflects the sum of the activities of bacteria in the small intestine and colon .
20 A spokesman for the company management said later : ‘ Management at the Timex plant in Dundee deplores the activities of protesters outside its plant , tactics which are designed only to intimidate the workers who are coming into the plant . ’
21 The teacher 's slap , and his colleagues ' support , served notice that women , too , would in future be subject to the disciplines of institutions outside the family , that fathers and husbands would have to share their authority over women .
22 The refusal of Erastus to derive the forms of bodies from the stars , or from anything within nature , pointed toward the empiricism of Bacon , for whom the only guides to knowledge were experience and the bible .
23 Although one should not read too much into this , given that the families in the survey had at least one child in primary ( board ) school by definition , and therefore the oldest were sometimes the only ones of an age to be working , it can safely be said that the openings for girls in the printing trade must have been a godsend for low-income families with several children .
24 High seriousness mingled with amiable Bohemianism , provincial spoke to cosmopolitan , Fabian joked with hedonist , and teachers of mathematics admired the hats of potters from Cornwall .
25 Ecclestone controlled the marketing and the television and the contracts with promoters at the circuits .
26 Hence debates had an antiquarian tone : little was heard of the rights of man , a great deal about the rights of the crown of Aragon , of the Councils of Toledo and Leon , of the Goths as founders of liberty .
27 However , the general principle of liability for the acts of others to which my hon. and learned Friend referred is not at all out of line with the Theft Act 1968 .
28 The principles of State responsibility require that the acts of organs of the State or individuals within a State be attributable to the State for the purposes of establishing liability .
29 In particular , the acts of governments in shaping forms of social , political and economic life through legislation and social policies , determines them significantly .
30 In employment the induction rites influence attitude formation about the firm ; in training professionals the attitudes of leaders of the profession exert strong influences on attitude formation .
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