Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [noun] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Flattening the ears back makes them less vulnerable to damage , so occurs when the horse is feeling frightened or aggressive .
2 Most listed companies do not yet have enough independent directors to fulfil the roles Cadbury allots them , and it is even doubtful whether enough individuals of the right calibre are available for these positions , particularly in view of the heavy legal responsibilities that any company director incurs .
3 Their Saturday evening concert at the Arts Centre showed them to be individual artists of the highest quality who together produced something greater than just the sum of the parts .
4 I can do no better than to draw the attention of the House to this statement in Labour 's charter for sport : ’ We will review the composition and powers of the Sports Council to free them from political bias ’ .
5 Upon return to their base the Captain disappears to the Ops Room to brief them about the incident , whilst his team once again prepare the equipment .
6 In the days of the conglomerates momentum kept them going even though each step was rationalised alter it had been made .
7 After fifty years there were 143 of them , responsible for the upkeep of 3,400 miles of roadway from the tolls parliament allowed them to levy .
8 The dealer then approaches the arms manufacturers telling them that if they appoint him as their agent , he will get them a contract in return for a percentage of the value of the transaction , which could be as low as 3 per cent , or as high as 15 depending on how specialized is the equipment required .
9 The foyer of the police station enclosed them .
10 Police say a paediatrician at the hospital gave the boys medication to make them vomit , and they were kept in hospital overnight for observation .
11 Now , if you 've got nowhere else , erm , at the bottom end of the door to fit it , that 's fine , but as a matter of a preference , Crime Prevention like to see them fitted a third of the way up the door , that is where our thieves put the boot in , and thieves will work to pressure points , to leverage points they come equipped , or most of them do n't come equipped , because obviously if they 're walking along the street and a police officer sees them , you know , pull them over and start to talk to them , most of them will actually er use the tools from the back garden or or things they find lying around to help themselves in .
12 A police officer escorts them out as the verdicts are confirmed .
13 a Services Division to support them for a transitional period
14 Although no exact figures on EDS ' Italian revenues in 1992 were available , an EDS spokesman estimated them to be $20m , most of which are General Motors Corp-related .
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