Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] [was/were] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 A survey carried out by the Labour Party revealed that two-thirds of the authorities questioned were experiencing difficulties in recruiting parent governors , a quarter of them claiming that the problems were serious .
2 Liverpool 's desire to score the goals required was resulting in a glaring lack of composure , playing into Spartak 's hands .
3 A survey by the National Association of Head Teachers conducted in 1987 found that half of the schools questioned were using voluntary funds to supplement their spending on materials and equipment which in previous years had been provided entirely out of local authority funds .
4 Within the narrative of Greenblatt 's book — opening with him considering the ‘ magic ’ of Shakespeare revivifying the dead in Greenblatt 's own voice , concluding with Greenblatt considering Shakespeare as substitute fetish for the book which the natives believed was stealing their life — this latter story also stands as a type of anecdote or fable about part of New Historicism 's critical enterprise .
5 Although all of the organisations studied were recruiting only into temporary jobs , in some organisations temporary jobs offered a step on the way to regular employment .
6 Baltic opinion , in particular , objected that the changes proposed were centralising in character and that the republics ' ( admittedly nominal ) right of secession had been prejudiced .
7 By mid-March as many as 210,000 were living in makeshift camps in Bangladesh and the numbers entering were increasing daily amid reports of mass killings , forced conscriptions and torture in Arakan province .
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