Example sentences of "[art] [adj] fact [is] that " in BNC.

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1 The undeniable fact is that all worshipped ‘ gods ’ have in the past been man-made , either imagined or physically made in the form of idols .
2 The undeniable fact is that chlorine is building up in the atmosphere much faster than it can be coped with .
3 The historical fact is that the settlement of 1688–1701 failed to settle everything ; it failed to provide for all contingencies .
4 The salient fact is that what is uniquely on offer at these parties is not all-night dancing or a few boutique drugs , but fantasy-sensation itself : the orgiastic effect of thousands of people mainlining heavy acid rock at the level of total sound .
5 The salient fact is that Wigg believed , and believed with great intensity , that Profumo had lied to him and for that reason was a suitable object for punishment in fanning the flame of the sexual scandal .
6 Because the brutal fact is that big business no longer needs brute force ( except perhaps as Exocet fodder ) .
7 The stark fact is that Nottinghamshire could not afford to do both and generated local controversy by protecting the vertical efficiency of the developmental approach at the expense of fieldwork support for the many .
8 So the stark fact is that , even if there were a mortgage recovery , the societies would not have the funds to cope with an increase in borrowing .
9 The stark fact is that , as with the dinosaurs , we simply do not know what Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon people actually looked like .
10 The stark fact is that the Quakers have failed to achieve back-to-back victories since an encouraging start to the season when they won their first two games .
11 The simple fact is that Ford can not begin to exercise its stated intention of building a significant stake in Jaguar for another two weeks .
12 He points out that the pencils are notoriously difficult to get , and says the simple fact is that the judges have not seen sufficient innovation .
13 The simple fact is that most crime is the result of giving a criminal an easy opportunity .
14 The simple fact is that American consumers regarded them as boring , which is why 60 per cent of the crop had always gone into products like bread and biscuits .
15 The simple fact is that there needs to be an elite within the NHS , no matter how divisive that may sound if you 're reading this in Dorset or Manchester or Gwent .
16 But the fallacious assumption underlying this reasoning is that the idea of identity of meaning makes sense only if the criteria of equisignificance can be clearly defined , whereas the simple fact is that any reference to the criteria of equisignificance already presupposes the notion of sameness of meaning .
17 Hume 's argument , however , does not hold water for the simple reason that it assumes that the question of the possibility of significantly ascribing identity to objects as ontological existents can and should be decided via an analysis of the conditions of their identification , whereas the simple fact is that the concept of an entity as a potential topic of discourse is analytically linked with , and hence inseparable from , that of identity .
18 The simple fact is that , even with a very good 24-pin matrix printer , it is very hard to reproduce typographic fonts .
19 The simple fact is that many of the values of the mass literacy movement have been ill-conceived .
20 I saw the report to which my hon. Friend referred and I am not at all surprised that the Opposition tried to shout him down , for the simple fact is that the report revealed that the majority of people in this country recognise that the Labour party has now promised to increase spending on just about everything under the sun , which would mean higher borrowing , higher inflation and much higher taxes .
21 The simple fact is that we believe , as the Opposition have so far , that the best way to make movements along those lines is through international agreement and through the International Maritime Organisation .
22 The simple fact is that making the prehistoric — that is , the repressed — part of the mind conscious is a vital aspect of the further development of the ego because conscious insight into itself and its motivation is essential to the ego 's rationality and competence in administering and mastering the instinctual drives of the id .
23 Erm the simple fact is that the factors that have gone into the model that which we have used , have been the nineteen ninety one based fertility , mortality and infant mortality rates .
24 ‘ No one wants to see that , but the simple fact is that stray dogs are a menace . ’
25 The simple fact is that commitment and resource must be kept in rough equilibrium ; at the moment the infantry is being asked to do too much , with too few battalions .
26 Chairman I must respond to that , that the work secret road is not appraise donated to this organization , I think it 's one latched onto by the press to develop some headline , er nobody 's ever used that phrase about anything being secret in this organization whatsoever , the simple fact is that these drawings for your approval are not yet finished , that 's the extent of secrecy , my staff are still working on them , they 'll come
27 The sad fact is that the SMG is financed by two boroughs , Ealing and Hounslow , members of which are sympathetic to their aims .
28 But the sad fact is that even if it is possible to achieve a co-incidence between desire and responsibility , ecstasy and concern , Weller is incapable of such a balance .
29 The sad fact is that although the ostensible reason for the dolphin kills was that dolphins were stealing and eating the commercial fish species , examination of their stomach contents showed that only the false killer whales were actually feeding on yellowtail .
30 The sad fact is that the greater the need , the less outside help is usually available .
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