Example sentences of "[art] [adj] and [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The communities continue to carry out humanitarian work with the displaced and in the hospitals .
2 The understandable concentration of research on the needy and on the failures of community support meant that little attention was paid to the positive contribution to the community made by many older people in the form of services to family and community .
3 These arguments were originally intended to exclude women from autonomy and leadership , both in the political and in the ecclesiastical realms .
4 Are they , for example , based on our concern for the truth , respect for the absolute value of life , our solidarity with the poor and the marginalised and with the realisation that communication is a fundamental human right ?
5 Move from the general to the specific and from the simple to the complex .
6 Initially they had a duty to promote only the welfare of the blind but from 1951 they had power to promote the welfare of the deaf and of the general classes of the physically handicapped .
7 These were ( 1 ) ‘ Association for the Oral Institution of the Deaf and Dumb ’ based at Fitzroy Square , London , founded in 1872 ( 2 ) ‘ Society for Training Teachers of the Deaf and for the Diffusion of the German System ’ , based at the training college at Ealing , founded in 1877 ( 3 ) ‘ College of Teachers of the Deaf and Dumb ’ , founded in 1885 .
8 The hammock , which was slung from a long pole carried on the shoulders of two men , was used for transporting the sick and infirm across rough country terrain and , in and around Funchal , for the rich and for the tourists who were carried through the dirty , and sometimes muddy , streets .
9 Many cell types undergo apoptosis when they are deprived of serum or specific growth factors ( reviewed in ref. 15 ) , and this was the case both for the parental and for the cells ( Fig. 1 a ) .
10 This paper describes an alternative approach whereby the thermal histories of coals from the Palaeozoic and from the Tertiary are deduced from simulation experiments in which samples with different natural maturities are heated under identical conditions of time and temperature .
11 In the west of the Forest can be found deep gorges , most notably the Höllental and throughout the Forest there are small lakes such as the Titisee and Schluchsee .
12 The provisional IRA 's commitment to violence against the British and against the protestant — loyalist alliance , which the provisionals rhetorically and conveniently subsume under the term ‘ the British ’ , is frequently assumed to be based on either Marxist or nationalist principles and in both cases to be secularist or areligious .
13 The ratio of the radioactivity bound to the ulcerated and to the intact mucosa was calculated for each group of animals of the B series .
14 Just as we might buy a new outfit , then take it home and change out of the old and into the new , so Paul likens the complete change needed if we are to live as followers of Christ .
15 The earlier death-bed was at once more solemn and more familiar ; the tears at the bedside and the liturgy of the church were well adjusted to the sufferings of the dying and of the bereaved .
16 This amount is reduced by dividends received from the invested and by the investor 's share of invested 's losses .
17 Reference may be made to the following and to the papers cited under sections dealing with the skeletomuscular systems in the main regions of the body .
18 However , the Dutch position was largely undermined by the French and English in the Mediterranean and throughout the Near East and also in many parts of the Caribbean .
19 In addition to the 35,000 UK personnel already in the Gulf area by the outbreak of hostilities — comprising the main 1st Armoured Division and support , naval and air units — extra servicemen and servicewomen and equipment were deployed to the area during the latter half of January ( including three battalions to guard Iraqi prisoners of war who might be taken ) , bringing the total , when all such forces were in place , to about 42,000 ; there were also another 7,500 in the Mediterranean and in the near east .
20 We must build a free and democratic Europe , from the Baltic to the Mediterranean and from the Atlantic to the Urals : a Europe that will , however , respect the essential sovereignty of national Parliaments , and not trample them underfoot .
21 HDV may be protective by suppressing HBV replication in the native and in the transplanted liver .
22 Then , in the sixteenth century , what had been a military building was converted by the Albret dynasty , who were now the rulers here , into a sophisticated civilian one , suitable as a home for courtly pursuits — there are some fine Renaissance doorways and windows dating from that conversion on the left and at the far end of the very irregular courtyard into which you first go .
23 The usual convention , followed in this example , is to place the largest , slice on the left and for the other slices to be drawn in descending order .
24 The parliamentary road to socialism has been the major tradition within Britain where the Labour Party has long been the dominant organisational force on the Left and amongst the working class .
25 This happened at a turning-point in Caribbean affairs , for in 1670 the Spanish accepted the inevitable and by the Treaty of Madrid acknowledged the English colonies in the West Indies as legitimate settlements , though the logging settlements on the central American mainland were left in an ill-defined position .
26 We do n't all have Watkins ' advantages : a lifetime 's familiarity and sympathy with his native countryside ; the photographer 's eye for detail , for the unusual and for the properly framed view ; and the advantage of access to the countryside as part of his daily work .
27 Another social problem which concerned him was the lack of housing both for the poor and for the tourists .
28 And you shall not strip your vineyard bare , neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard ; you shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner : I am the Lord your God ’ ( Lev .
29 A resolution from Biggleswade , that the transference of the functions of the Board of Guardians to the County Councils would be detrimental to the poor and to the ratepayers , was strongly supported , as was another from elsewhere ; the newly elected government was to be asked to postpone the operation of the Local Government Act of 1929 .
30 Central to service is the interaction between the member of staff and the customer and here lies a fundamental dichotomy — in many service industries such as hospitality , the employee who has the most important job of serving the customer is frequently the lowest paid , the most unskilled and the inexperienced and with the highest labour turnover .
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