Example sentences of "[art] [adj] time [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was told that , unless insemination occurred at exactly the right time each month , her acid levels would kill off the donor sperm .
2 We can not pinpoint the exact time that property passes without first classifying the contract .
3 The authors observe that up to the present time most obsolescence studies have been characterized by a superficial approach to what is a highly complex situation of interlocking factors .
4 Although for the present time this generation has strong feelings for the PLO and its chairman , Yasser Arafat , they have grown impatient with the niceties of political diplomacy .
5 At the very time that Parliament was debating the garotters , there had been a public sensation when The Liverpool Mercury exposed an eye-witness account of a brutal navy flogging on HMS Majestic in which it was alleged that the officer-in-charge had taken considerable pleasure from the proceedings .
6 I understand erm Mr because you realize in the short time that wording has been in the brochure , that it would not be possible to keep the management charges at the level of inflation or below it
7 Now those are arteries , that 's the pulmonary artery but it 's coming back to the heart okay , that 's the only time you 're going to find the rule reversed , arteries leave the heart , veins come back to the heart , and the only time that rule is reversed is when you 're linking the heart and the lungs through the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery , however , they are still carrying , the arteries are still carrying oxygen charged blood , yes , because it 's come fresh from the lungs so it 's still carrying nice red lovely oxygenated blood , yes , even though it 's coming back into the heart , that is because it 's come fresh from the lungs and the vein although it 's going in the opposite direction the way you normally expect it , is still carrying the old rotten , you know , used up blood , because it 's going back to the lungs to be recharged , do you understand it alright ?
8 The only time this fabric would offend is if you want some guts from your environment .
9 That The Smiths are the most popular group , in rough terms , at the precise time that rock 'n' roll is going through its worst phase for many years says something that is not complimentary to them .
10 With the vast amount of based warbirds present at Mecca , enthusiasts are guaranteed to see something of interest take to the air for the final time this year , before hangar doors are closed and winter maintenance schedules begin .
11 Allocate a specific time each day as your ‘ worry time ’ .
12 ‘ We had a swell time this week-end .
13 Try to allocate yourself a set time each day when you will practise your exercises .
14 Make sure you weigh yourself daily , preferably at a similar time each day and in a similar state of dress or undress .
15 Her house was full of bead curtains and reproduction furniture — a fact which impressed me so much I thought for a long time that Reproduction was a period like Jacobean and Elizabethan .
16 For a long time that night too he had not slept , had lain thinking , wondering what to do , listening to the delicate sounds like tiny bubbles breaking — and then hearing them no more .
17 I was awake a long time that night .
18 She lay awake for a long time that night , going over the conversation with her mother , trying to work out what she should say to Leo , and she rehearsed so many and varied conversations that she thought she 'd go mad .
19 It had been known for a long time that histamine was responsible for producing many allergies and the first antihistamine drug was produced in France in 1937 .
20 It has been taken for granted for a long time that criticism and the academy go naturally together , and a large pedagogic and publishing industry has been built on that assumption .
21 We have also known for a long time that morphine cures diarrhoea .
22 And I realised , well I had realised for a long time that dieting was n't the answer for me .
23 Rigid solids are much harder to get hold of in tension and so for a long time such testing as was done was confined to compression and bending .
24 Well I 'm conscious we kept you a long time this time this morning and I certainly do appreciate your attendance and presence .
25 Some students find it best to set aside a regular time each week ( perhaps at the weekend ) to file all the notes taken during the previous week .
26 HAYDN-LOVERS are in for a good time this autumn : coming up are the Haydn at Esterhaza concerts at the Wigmore Hall ( part of the Magyarok Britain Salutes Hungary Festival ) ; already on display is the Haydn and England exhibition at the British Library ; and just started is the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment 's QEH Haydn series concentrating on his late choral works .
27 I slept for only a short time each night , and I did not eat much food .
28 Just over 70% spent a considerable time each week on stock work — most of the time spent checking , feeding and moving stock .
29 This does it by operating a sprinkler for a preset time each day .
30 Do n't stick to a single time each day but try to vary it to see if the time of day makes a difference for you .
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