Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [vb base] been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The British have been voicing them for years .
2 One of the problems with fighting the war is that the Americans and the British have been offering more and more arms to the Saudis and the Gulf states .
3 The French have been accusing us of lack of co-operation lately — military co-operation , that is .
4 THE FRENCH have been shifting their money from the stock market into Paris property , according to Donnelle Higbee , who runs Hampton 's Paris office .
5 The French have been pressing Anglo-French union again [ 11 September ] .
6 The problem faced by Detroit 's producers is that , while some new American cars have been panned as dumpy and boring , the Japanese have been rolling out a stream of glittering and highly praised new vehicles .
7 The Chinese have been inching back towards economic reform .
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