Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Monks were supposed to enjoy Lectio : in the scriptures and in the writings of the fathers of the Church , the monk had an encounter with the divine and felt that he was in some mysterious sense studying God himself .
2 In fact , in every microsecond of perceptual experience there is a tension between the real as refractory , as something we can not choose or will , and the subjective as chosen and willed .
3 It requested him " to direct the Board of Education to set up an inquiry into the present state of the education of the deaf or to direct that a combined system of oral and manual instruction should be adopted in the schools for the deaf " .
4 What I 'm asking is that you should look at the accounts with your detective instincts on the alert and see if there 's anything that strikes you as odd about them . "
5 It works through meanings , certainly , or not without meanings in the ordinary sense , and fuses the old and obliterated and the trite , the current , and the new and surprising , the most ancient and the most civilised mentality .
6 Go up and get the old and see if .
7 But if anyone looking at Germany from the outside and imagining that , as far as art history is concerned , something new and potentially fruitful is being formed will be disappointed .
8 There is no procedure that strikes more fear and trepidation into the hearts of the ignorant and misinformed than the lumbar puncture .
9 In the case of working class women , Anna Martin , a suffragist , observed that mothers were being ‘ ordered by the law to perform the impossible and punished if they fail ’ .
10 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
11 ‘ Eoin did brilliantly against the Maltese and proved that the Premier Division is full of good , young talent , ’ he said .
12 What puzzles me is why we do n't do the obvious and go and find him .
13 He walked down the garden to the privy and noticed that his shoes were wet with dew .
14 The imposition of standards then increases private marginal cost , shifts private supply curves upwards , and reduces the overproduction of the good that occurred when the market ignored the divergence between private and social cost .
15 Would that we could look straight into the eye of the destitute and kindle that low burning fire of self esteem into flame .
16 All the more important , then , to stand protected from the like and ensure that all things — not excluding alcohol — conspire to bear visible witness to that ruddy hue sported by the English living in the Tropics . ’
17 Project Leaders are responsible for co-ordinating the Compact and ensuring that the schools ' needs are met .
18 Rounding up long-lost varsity chums for a rollicking angst-fest has always been a reliable dramatic wheeze , but it can only grab an audience by the short and curlies if you 're prepared to shed gallons of blood on the tracks .
19 Some critics have taken the argument against this second cost to the extreme and suggested that the mere fact , of fund accounting not being the norm within the accounting profession as a whole , should prohibit its use .
20 Despite all the scheming and matchmaking that went on behind the scenes , when Charles and Diana took their wedding vows on 29 July 1981 , they were undoubtedly in love .
21 It was the middle-class that kept and circulated family letters , especially those recounting saintly death-beds .
22 Start with the switch at about 45 degrees to the horizontal and adjust as necessary .
23 When the same species was found occupying two separate territories , it made more sense to work out how it could have migrated from one to the other than to assume that it had been created independently in each area .
24 The world is a Persian carpet , then , and we are ants lumbering from one thread to the other and observing that there is no pattern in the colours .
25 In the mundane , we live within the laws of the mundane and see that others obey the laws ; but in the transcendent we pass beyond physical and man-made laws and beyond even good and evil .
26 But the Department has told her to destroy all copies , return the original and warned that further action could be taken if she ignores the advice .
27 Dickie ‘ Darling ’ Attenborough is a lovely bloke who has produced with Chaplin a professional but overlong and formulaic exercise in hagiography which lets The Little Tramp off the hook at every turn .
28 Denis is a professional and knows that as well as I do . ’
29 She was happy when she sat up all night to spare Andrew a vigil by a sick or calving or foaling animal .
30 Swells has two cans of Budweiser , called the MD a fascist and left before the band came on .
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